Original 8 Pets


To celebrate our 10th anniversary, on April 29 we are making virtual versions of our 8 original pets available for 3500 eStore points each! Deluxe members pay 2000 each!

65 Responses to Original 8 Pets

  1. Nosaroni says:

    X3 At time like this I wish I had Ganz points, cuz this is a SWEET deal!

  2. Cloudstar_Frostlypaws says:

    This is so cool!! I’m excited for tomorrow!!

  3. style808 says:

    between all my siblings we have every one :D

  4. KandyKatLPSOfficial says:

    Awesome! Can’t Wait To Adopt The Black And White Cat! (I Already Have It On My Old Account From When I Was Little) Gotta Buy More Points!

  5. doodlebug72898 says:

    THIS IS SO COOL!!! I know I will DEFINITELY be getting the cow and the pig, and maybe one of the others, too! I’m so excited!!!

    • doodlebug72898 says:

      Oh no! I didn’t realize these were only available on Webkinz Day yesterday! I thought they would be available the whole 10 days like the other items! I’m so sad I missed it!!!!!

  6. Joy3111 says:

    Awesome! I have the b/w cat. I’m REALLY mad that Deluxe get it cheap though. They shouldn’t get freebies on fancy things like that. Not cool.

  7. emmacitas says:

    I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!Even though I already have the hippo,I’m deluxe so I think I’ll get a puppy!So excited!!!

  8. 2364c says:

    i have all of them

  9. jilchmbrs says:

    The only ones I don’t have are the cow, the lion, and the black bear, though I’ve seen the black bear in stores XD

  10. Webkinzlover924 says:

    I have King rocky The lion, Bobo the Golden retriever, Machiatto the cow, Bubbles the hippo, and last but not least Oinky the pig, ( I was very little when i named the pig) xD

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