The House Mouse arrives in Webkinz World March 1, 2021!

Make a great guest into a permanent family member by adopting the Webkinz House Mouse! This cute and quiet pet is often hurrying and scurrying from one place to the next, so when they get tired, have them hop up on their Quaint Cottage Bed for a nap! And when they’re feeling hungry, a healthy Fruit and Nut Breakfast Bowl will really hit the spot!



You may find this pet and more at both W-Shop and Ganz eStore!

32 Responses to The House Mouse arrives in Webkinz World March 1, 2021!

  1. Morninglight says:

    Mandy so cute love the name

  2. dancingfish7 says:

    That is adorable!

  3. Bernie3333 says:

    Uh, Oh! Another absolutely ‘cutie-pet’ that I love. I’d like to get one…(*cough*, Need, Need, NEED!*)

  4. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I LOVE it. Wish I could get it. Pittiesrule

  5. frozenanna2 says:

    Hey sosotto, guess what… frozenelsa5, and I bought Deluxe Membership!!!!!!!!!! For three months!!! Can you believe it??!! Now we both have Deluxe Membership!! Lmk when you want to meet in the Clubhouse! :)

  6. alucard says:

    I love this little House Mouse and Quaint Cottage Bed! I’m guessing that there will be a Quaint Cottage theme that will be eStore only. :-( I really wish they would make some new themes for the WShop that could be bought using KinzCash. :-)

  7. ojibwa says:

    He’s so cute! And that room these is delightful — gonna have to save up for some of those items!

  8. kaye10 says:

    only W can make a mouse so cute (except for the baby mice my real cat brings home to play with & I save, for now @ least ;) yes, i will likely add this lil guy to my family. best, k.

  9. ultrasonic3 says:

    What a cutie! I love her!

  10. 12hope34 says:

    Hey Ganzworld :)! I was just wondering when the rewards pool is updating so I know what to save up for. Thank you!

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