The Moon Dragon has officially arrived in Webkinz World!

Designed to be a companion to the Earth Dragon, say hello to the otherworldly Moon Dragon! A celestial pet with a heart of gold, they love to tell tales of their travels while sitting in their own Asteroid Armchair! And when it comes to special space treats, they love the taste of delicious Orbital Ice Cream!


You may find this pet and more at eStore!


28 Responses to The Moon Dragon has officially arrived in Webkinz World!

  1. MidnightLuna says:


  2. LunaKnightJr says:

    Awww, if I ever get one, can I name it Queen Serenity? Queen Serenity was queen of the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millennium until the Dark Kingdom had attack the Moon in hopes that they would be able to rule both Earth and the Moon. If you haven’t seen Sailor Moon or Sailor Moon Crystal (which I haven’t seen yet because I still need to finish watching the orginal Sailor Moon) and were planning to watch it, sorry for the spoilor. Also if you are planning to watch Sailor Moon Crystal but haven’t watch the orginal Sailor Moon, I reccomend watching the orginal. Also if you find pink Sailor Moon DVDs at the store (not any Webkinz stores) then if you decide to watch Sailor Moon in English (since it was orginally in Japenese), the English version is a newer version of the English Dub. I’m glad that they by the way decided to redo the English Dub because in the original one Luna sounded like a Old Lady.

    • LunaKnightJr says:

      Wow, I only spelled Original correct once.

    • gemrysforest says:

      You might find this cute. My feline triplets have June birthdays, and one of June’s birthstones is the moonstone, so I wanted them to have “moon names”. My two little redheads ended up Hunter and Harvest, and after a lot of searching and rejecting names, I finally went with Sailor for the little tuxedo boy. Sometimes it takes people a minute to get what I did there, but it’s cool when they do. :0)

  3. FennecFox says:

    N’aww! Was a gorgeous, adorable pet! :)

  4. Chocolate55 says:

    it says designed to be a companion of the earth dragon, so if i were ganz i would make an earth and moon dragon bundle! ☺

  5. PixiesAway says:

    Aww so cute! :-)

  6. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Cool! I really like its PSI! :) (Assuming that the purple sparkly thing that the one moon dragon is sitting on is the PSI)

  7. kittzkatt says:

    I would purchase this pet if it were a plush!

  8. tinygma says:

    I would rather have this pet then the Moonlight Wolf .

  9. kbk100 says:

    Beautiful! :)

  10. monkeyfun15 says:

    This is a cool pet! But I was wondering when Ganz will show the concept drawings for the Gargowl Pet that won the Halloween Contest.

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