The Raven arrives in Webkinz World October 1, 2022!

It would be a ghastly mistake to miss out on a truly classic pet, so adopt theĀ Raven into your coven’s collection, and your heart shall be empty nevermore! When this fowl creature isn’t busy rapping and tapping on chamber doors, you perchance can find them perched nearby their Quirky Cauldron Fireplace! When the telltale signs of hunger creep in, feed them some Pumpkin Spice Jelly Worms while they ponder a particular prophetic prose!


You may find this pet and more at both W-Shop and Ganz eStore starting October 1, 2022!


38 Responses to The Raven arrives in Webkinz World October 1, 2022!

  1. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I would love to get this cutie & its theme. Pittiesrule

  2. alucard says:

    I HAVE to get The Raven! He will fit in perfectly with my Halloween Theme! I have enough medallions to get the Gargowl, so I will adopt him to be friends with the Raven! Can’t wait! Thank you Ganz/Team Webkinz! LOVE the fireplace! :-)

  3. TRINSTER says:

    Oh my gosh that fireplace is gorgeous!

  4. mochidochi says:

    He looks scary, but the fireplace is super cool!

  5. KarenaJ says:

    PSI is amazing!!

  6. Pokemom says:

    Also, are we going to talk about the book shelves above the fireplace?? YES PLEASE.

  7. Pokemom says:

    Whomever is responsible for penning this post deserves a raise!! Well done! I was already planning on adopting Lenore, but upon seeing her fabulous fireplace, it shall be done with great haste on the ‘morrow. :D

  8. hiphophipposrule2007 says:

    I am so excited for this pet! Can’t wait lol! I am trying to come up with the perfect name. My first thoughts are Edgar or Poe of course. Any suggestions?

  9. spootyquackers says:

    “once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered weak and weary, over many quaint and curious volumes of forgotten lore….” <3

  10. frankie98 says:

    The Fireplace is beautiful, but the Raven is a little scary to me…Very Edgar Allan Poe, but I guess a Raven should be a little scary so well done Ganz!

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