The Sting Ray Rug is a Perfect Companion!


You’re sure to spot the unique shape of a stingray when you roll out this Sting Ray Rug! Set one down deep in the depths of any underwater room!


Makes a great companion to the Blue Coral Candy Tree!


You may find a new Candy Tree tie-in item each month at eStore!


12 Responses to The Sting Ray Rug is a Perfect Companion!

  1. Gutan646 says:

    Sting Ray as a Pet would be nice. LOL

  2. hiphophipposrule2007 says:

    I really like this rug! Great job creative team!

  3. _xPho3nyxblade318x_ says:

    WHOA, if only we got a real ray!!

  4. KSC says:

    Awesome rug!!

  5. KarenaJ says:

    This is an awesomely cool item!

  6. Beckinz8 says:

    Oooooo… I love this rug, but not as a rug! LOL! I wouldn’t have the heart to actually walk over it! I might put small sea animals on it and have it be the teacher, “Mr. Ray”, from Finding Nemo. “Come aboard, explorers!”

  7. bertnelson says:

    What’s cool about this picture is that instead of a rug, it looks like a Sting Ray is swimming around the room!

  8. kaitgomez says:

    I want this rug for my pets sooo bad. Stingrays are my favorite, they remind me of my late Nana. <3

  9. mfaull says:

    This is one cool rug!! Wow!

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