This January, create a sleek new look for your pet’s room!

January Special: Sleek Sequin item pack!


Add a little elegance to any room when you decorate with the wonderful Sleek Sequin Wallpaper! Pair it with the Sleek Sequin Flooring for a real touch of class!


The colorful canopy Sleek Sequin canopied bed is so comfortable, your pet will fall fast asleep! If your pet likes to nap in the lap of luxury, this is the bed for them!


Create a room with a view by adding the wondrous Sleek Sequin Window to any wall! Open up the curtains to reveal the breathtaking vista outside!





You may find the Sleek Sequin Pack and other January Specials at eStore!


11 Responses to This January, create a sleek new look for your pet’s room!

  1. ChristianCowgirl123 says:


  2. Princss says:

    I want this so bad but I will never be able to get it :(

  3. Fluttershy736 says:

    WOAH. This is, uh, purple. I like it a lot!!!

  4. MealMeal says:

    I NEED IT but its not like anyone will want to trade to give me it

  5. bear10201 says:

    I love anything purple and this is a pretty theme

  6. claudiaw80 says:


  7. foxpaws says:

    Being able to open and close the curtains is really super!!! Happy 2016 Everyone!!! ♥♥♥foxpaws♥♥♥

  8. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    Oh. My. This…is…GORGEOUS!!!!! If I ever get a Brilliant Bandit, this will TOTALLY be her room!!!! :D

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