♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

This topic contains 2,546 replies, has 340 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #776909


    Welcome my Webkinz Friends! So glad you decided to stop by and most will be happy you did. I decided to start my very first forum. Is there an item you just want so bad? An item that seems so far out of reach, because no one will trade you for it? Or, you’re just too new to Webkinz and don’t have much? Well you’ve come to the right place!!! Your Fairy Godmother is here to help. I have lot’s of stuff and NO I will not be listing what I have (you couldn’t handle it) LOL. All you have to do is make your wish here and If I have It, you just MAY receive It. And yes, you can make more than one wish. And everyone is welcome, everyone has a clean slate here. Only payment that I ask for is a sincere Thank You. Warning: All ungrateful people will be put on a list. Thank you for stopping by and “May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.”

    1. #777088

      LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECKY your so funny! XD but, I have my form I just came out with will post it will that be ok? :)

      • #777543


        I know it’s funny and corny ; ) Trying to make this fun for not only myself but for everyone else. I know in the past I was sending people stuff off their wishlist forums but to make it easier for me I’m going to try and just stick to gifting from here. So anything that you’ve asked for on the other forums can you wish/re-ask me for it here please. Now I do like filling all the spots in a package so there may be times, just to do that, I might look at another forum to see what else I could add. So no wish is too big or too small. But you do have to come here to make that wish. And you can make a whole wish list here too and then I can work on that list. Hope you understand and I look forward to granting your wishes : ) PS: I already sent your girlsrule a friend request but still need to add your gracie account.

        • #778647


          Thanks for the cuddly koloa s psi! This is girlsrule122345 by the way. On girls rule it wouldn’t load up the fourms for some reason. :) -Gracie

        • #778651


          Becky, I need now the red hooded dress. If you have it, plmk thank you once again for ALOT of things! Lol. Your BFF, Gracie/girls rule ;) -Gracie

          • #779043


            I tried looking up the red hooded dress and can’t find it. Does it have a different name? Or can you describe it? I have no clue what it looks like. Thanks doll : )

            • #779362


              Ok here is my other wishlist, :) 1. Opal pups psi 2. 12,500 estore points 3. 6 medicinal dining chairs 4. The hot dog stand ( estore ) 5. Any Retired psis 6. One more movie screen 7. Blue ruffled skirt 8. Emerald labs psi 9. 1 Christmas tree ( indoors ) last but not least, 10…….. Bake shop cake display ( estore ). Becky, If you have any of these plmk, and Yes, their mostly estore. ;) :) p.s. sorry, about asking for alot of things. -your BFF, Gracie

            • #779350


              :) it is the one from little red riding hood. But, it was awhile ago. ;)

          • #789093


            Hi I have the red hooded dress if you ever see this I sent you a request and I will send it if you don’t have it yet! hope this helps

          • #789263


            i think i have that dress

        • #792696


          Dear Fairy Godmother… I would so love to own a complete Pink Diver Outfit. I have the shirt so what I still need are the Pants, Flippers and Helmet. Hope your wand can sparkle them up. Thanks for trying….. My UN is Cinnybugg in W.W.

          • #794881

            Hi Becky! First of all i want to thank you for making others happy! I have a few requests and i want the sailor dress with the cap! My user name is pawprints29

    2. #777091


      Oh my goodness! You are so kind. I am looking for butterfly super beds. They’re my very favorite!! If you had one I would be more than happy to receive it. I will even trade for it if you want. Thanks sooo much. My webkinz username is Webkkinz10. That’s capitol W and two k’s. :) -Missy

      • #777572


        Hi Missy, I just opened the Superbed box and I see there is no Butterfly Bed. I guess it is retired and so sorry I don’t have any of them. But If you still want the box I would be happy to send. Or do you have another wish? Maybe I have something else you’re looking for.

        • #792451


          I have that bed lol i can send to you or her im glad to help. Hi Becky! I know you dont know me but my username on webkinz is bambamx9. Thank you so much for helping the webkinz community with your gifts! Making some really dreams and wishes come true! I hope i can help and if you want to, when you accept my friend request i can send you some items. I was just wondering if i could make a wish and i understand if your busy or ran out of these items. But I was just wondering if you have a candy dress which is what I have really wanted for a while but couldnt get and or wz jeans and sail hat. Thank you so much even if you dont grant my wish thank you for what your doing and please dont hesitate to ask me for any item you may need because i might have it. Sincerely-bambamx9

        • #799902


          i have an extra butterfly bed, who needs it!

      • #777544


        Hi Missy, no trading here. Only wishes : ) How about I just send you the Superbed box? That way you can just pick out the bed you want. I will be sending you 2 friend request, One from Becky71W and the other from KinzMystery. So happy to grant your wish : ) And just to let you know you can make more wishes. As long as I get a thank you, you are welcome to make more wishes. Now I don’t have everything and I do have a limited quantity on items. But If I can I will grant your wish. Looking forward to granting your wishes : )

    3. #777097

      Hi Becky. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me! I don’t expect you to send me anything else, although I know you’re super at keeping an eye on everyone’s wishlists. I truly hope you never thought or think of me as ungrateful!! I certainly wouldn’t want such a wonderful person as yourself to think bad of me. Just know that I am so lucky to have met such a wonderful friend and to have been given as much as I have! You’re such a good person to be so willing to help everyone. I hope you have a wonderful day!

      • #777541


        Hi Pookie, you are very welcome. And I never thought you were ungrateful, you always say thank you and I really appreciate that and your friendship. I know I have been keeping an eye on everyone’s wishlist. But just to make in less stressful on myself I’m not going to do that anymore. It really get’s overwhelming at times trying to remember what and who. So please if you are needing something PLEASE tell me here. I have a new account with lot’s of goodies (KinzMystery) I already sent you a friend request. And I made sure to get something you had asked for recently but I had already gave out my extra. So If you can remember make your wish here for it and it’s going to be granted : ) Hint: It’s pink and you sit in it. Looking forward to granting your wish: ) (I’m trying to make this fun so I know it’s a little corny) Have a great day!

        • #778627

          Oh wonderful, I’m so happy to hear that! I try to always remember to say thank you, but sometimes I just don’t feel like that’s enough! Ok, not a problem! I know its a big job to keep up with everyone and their ever growing wants lol. I received your request and have now accepted. Oh my, would that by any chance be that adorable Story Time Throne? :D I would absolutely thrill at the prospect, but please let me know if that is too much to send. I feel bad making more ‘wishes’ for things, as I don’t want to be greedy. Thank you so so much and have a great day!

          • #778639

            Wow! I logged in this morning to find such an amazing surprise!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! That Throne will look so neat in my Lil’ Kinz Nursery! I never thought I would get that item! I can’t believe you remembered that Hideaway, my Longhorn Steer says thank you. :) And what a cool telescope! As I do not want to seem greedy, please don’t make a special effort to look for these items, but if you ever happen across an extra Blooming Garden Shed, Canopy Treadmill, Caring Valley Window, POTM Carousel, or Taste Tester Fountain I would be more than happy to acquire them. Thank you so very much, again! If there is ever anything I can do repay you, please please tell me!! Thank you!!!!!

            • #779419


              Yep, I made sure I got those 2 items. Glad you liked the Telescope. I have many and surprised no one has wanted any. Also the Super Fan furniture. I don’t have any of your other wishes at this time. But when I get more stuff I will let you know and If you haven’t gotten them by then you can re-wish. But If you can think of any other items you want to wish for just let me know.

    4. #777099


      Hi, do you have a holiday robe? It was in the Christmas gift box a few years ago. I would really appreciate if you had one. Been looking for it for sooo long now. Please tell me your list of wants so I can see what you need for it. If you ever want to trade, my webkinz username is Pajama1010. Same as my news one. Thanks!

      • #777540


        Hi pajama1010, this isn’t a trading post so you don’t need anything to receive a wish here. I would need more information because I have no clue what that robe is. Do you know what year? Or it’s actual name? I will send you a friend request as soon as some of the request I sent out already today have been excepted (they have a limit of 8 at a time) or you can go ahead and sent me one at KinzMystery. Looking forward to hopefully granting your wish : )

      • #777575


        I just looked it up and I think you are looking for the 2010 Holiday Robe. Unfortunately I don’t have that one. When it get’s closer to Christmas time I will try to get some. I want one for myself, it’s cute. Is there anything else you wish for? Hint: I have some older Christmas clothes : )

        • #802378


          Becky, can you still use a couple of 2010 Holiday Robes? I would be more than happy to send them to you. Just say the word.!!!

          • #803453


            No I am good, thank you. I had a bunch of people send me some and then when I bought a bunch of Christmas items there were even more of the robes. So If anyone is looking for one please let me know.

    5. #777104


      I really, really, really need plumpy glasses!!!!! If you have them please trade with me! Thank you! -dub

      • #777539


        Hi dub, you are the first to make a wish. And guess what??? Your wish is granted and you will soon receive Plumpy’s glasses. You can either send me a request at KinzMystery or tell me your user name and I will add you as soon as I can. Nothing but a thank you here in return is necessary. And If you have any future wishes, a thank you here is all you need to receive another. Hope you have a great day and look forward to hearing from you.

        • #789729


          i really need plumpy glasses too and a rockerz pup hat plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

        • #792644


          My new gift account TheSurprise

          • #794481


            On WI you offered the new Skater Kat Board. I would love one for account iamawinner5……This is so generous of you. Thank you so much. This must be your favorite game and you are sooo good at it.!!!! Hugs to you special one.

            • #794778


              Dear Fairy God Mother, While my request are LCG in WKN, my WI ID is gomommu41. Thank you so much.

            • #797768


              Nope I have never even played it : )

            • #804420


              Thank you so very much for the Skater Kat Board. You are so generous and an awesome person. I am excited to be given such a rare gift. I pray that you be blessed in return a hundred times!!!!

          • #794525


            Do you by any chance have the green Glass of Egg Nog with the red rim and holly berries attached? I love it and would so appreciate one. None of my friends have an extra one. If you don’t have it that is OK. Christmas is my favorite theme. You are so generous and special to make this offer.

            • #794533


              Sorry forgot to give my acct. iamawinner5. Again, thank you so much.

            • #799396


              Sorry It took so long to send the skate board, I had to get it off another account. And you got the last one : ) As for the Egg Nog I don’t have that but I do have other Christmas foods as well as Christmas PSI’s, fruniture, objects and clothes. So let me know If you need any. And you can ask for more than one item. That way there is a better chance of me having something for you.

            • #802315


              mum66 sent me the Egg Nog and I sent to you. Let me know If you need any other Christmas items.

            • #804421


              Thank you for the Glass of Egg Nog. I was so surprized when I finally checked my Kinzmail yesterday and found this wonderful gift. I was not expecting it since you said you did not have one. You are a very gifted person!!!

            • #804422


              Thanks to mum66 for the Egg Nog. I just read the info. It is so wonderful to know such generous and wonderful people. I greatly appreciate you both.:) <3

          • #802441


            Dear Fairy Godmother, please explain what “My new gift account TheSurprise” means. We are too new to this “forum” – blog stuff and don’t know what that means. do we make a friend request in Webkinz – on our phone to KinzMystery? Then come back to this page to make a wish? But what is TheSurprise? Thank you for your help!

            • #804084


              Hey! Becky has several Webkinz accounts. Her new gifting account is TheSurprise, but she also gifts on her account KinzMystery. And then she also has Becky71W (Which is also her forum name and I hope I’m remembering this correctly by saying it’s her main account) and many others. You can add both KinzMystery and TheSurprise on your Webkinz phone to be friends with her. In order to make a wish, you just request what you’d like here and post your username so that she can friend you (Or it’s helpful to friend her instead, because you can only send out 8 friend requests at a time and she usually has 8 sent out and it takes longer to become friends with her). Then, when you see a package in the mail on your account from KinzMystery or TheSurprise, you know it’s from Becky! I hope that answered your question! ^^ If you have any more questions, let me know. Oh, and usually when you post things on the forum it won’t show up until the next day to the next few days or so, so if you don’t see it show up right away it’s because it hasn’t been moderated yet. Have a spectacular day!

            • #804242


              TheSurprise is the WW user for my extra gift account. I try to gift mostly from KinzMystery but in some cases I will gift from the extra account. It makes things go quicker when you are already on my friends list and then make a wish but you can wish and then ask me to friend you instead. There have been times I sent people friend request after they make a wish and then they decline my friend request. I don’t know If by accident or if they changed their mind and didn’t want what they wished for. So which ever way you want to do It is fine.

          • #810050


            Hi Becky! I would like a Melting Chocolate Couch and the Zangoz Chocolate Fountain This would be SOOO awesome! !! My UN is SmartGirlAZ and I have sent a friend request already.

        • #798306


          hi! i would, love scuba and wacky jeans! sorry to disturb you AGAIN but i am trying to get enough for full cat

          • #800280


            I’m sorry but I am out of those items. Is there anything else you’d like to wish for?

            • #800309


              I have the egg nog, it was from the christmas party pack. I have sent it to you and you can send it along. I also sent along some other items that I am not sure if the wishes were granted or not. It is fun making wishes happen. If you could grant me another wish, I would wish for the Baker Monkey Hat, jacket and Space Ship. I was able to get the walls and floors in the trading room. I would have bought the pet if it was available here or through the estore but unfortunately it wasn’t. Keep up the fantastic work!

      • #797924

        Hiya I think I put a post but meh friend didn’t check her messages. She is twilight201234 and she would like plumpy the candy dress and the lill pad dress (don’t know what that is) and could i have witch and green swim top and green swim bottom? that is if i can wish again. Thanks so much! i can’t belive u are doing this. I would like to send you some stuff too! XD

        • #798641


          She has a free account and can not send her anything until she adopts a pet. Not my rules they are Ganz’s.

          • #813318


            hey i really need plumpy glasses and wackey zingoz jeans please also bunny ears any colour i really need them thanks my user name is bvcvbbvcc also i need the movie screen please thanks my user name is bvcvbbvcc please friend me

      • #797935


        Hi, I have been looking for the purple vampires costume for a REALLY long time, If you do, my user is cctransformers, I am looking forward to trading with you, Thank you!

        • #800292


          Just waiting on you to accept my friend request : )

          • #814492


            Hi! Sorry I Declined your friends request! I didn’t know it was you! Do you still have the purple vampires costume? If you do, I will send you a request!

        • #802981


          Was going to send you the outfit but you declined my friend request.

    6. #781564

      my sister loved the glasses thanks so much! you should have seen the look on her face she was so excited and jumped into my arms and gave me a big hug!! im like it wasn’t me you need to thanks becky so she said thanks too lol and again thanks for the dress i ♥ it :)

    7. #782354

      ok this is my last and final wish even though you’ve already made my webkinz dreams come true :) I feel super guilty asking for another wish when you have been so kind to me and everyone else on here but I was wondering if you happen to have an extra holiday spirit swing or slide for trade? I would really love it for my Christmas room. I wish I had good items that i could trade and gift to you. You need to post a wish list! You deserve some awesome items for yourself!! I wish everyone in the world could be as kind hearted and generous as you! thanks for everything!!!!

    8. #789822

      Hi again Becky: sorry to clutter up the forum like so, but I have one last question, if you don’t mind helping me out here: When I’m sending to you, which account would be preferable to you? I’m just worried that the items I send might not exactly be that useful to you, and may clutter up your dock: its evident that you have so many items to keep track of already. Thanks, and have a good one! ~helloprettypanda~

    9. #791186


      Not shirt outfit sorry!

    10. #792418


      Hi, My username is my username. I have really always wanted the Halloween Hat “aka witch hat” It’s Blackish purple with a lighter purple for the spider webs. I will never be able to get it. Thank you so much for doing this for all these people. P.S. If I’m allowed to ask for more than one item. my little brother would love a pair of wz jeans “aka Wacky jeans” Thanks SOOOO Much:)

    11. #800075


      becky do you have the new excuslive items plmk -Gracie :)

    12. #805260


      What are you looking for Miss Gracie : )

    13. #809966

      whoa where did those post come from???? i didnt repeate those sorry fairygod mother. i have no clue why my old posts are showning up on recent pages OMG THANKYOU!!!!!!!!! i was so surprized and excited when i opened your gift!!!! but there has to be something you need????!! i would give you anything i own even though its not much! i said id like to trade with u not for you to just send them to me! u make me feel so guilty that you spend so much $ and time and effort trying to make these wishes come true and i never can repay u!! thanks so much your amwesome!!!! :)

    14. #813869


      Hi ummmm sorry so much but i asked for something and it never came…nor did someone try to add me….i am cocoatheswaagy (yes with two A’s) and i wish for the cat feet scuba belt and wz….thanks so much.(my wishes sorta changed) I heard all about you but never got to wish. If you think that is too much, you don’t have to send… i need scuba belt and wz the most, so if you don’t wanna send that much, those would be fine…thanks SOOOO much! btw my friend really wants sail cap sail blouse and plumpy……lol shes been begging me for plumpy for ever now but i never got to help her. Thanks so much!

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