♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

This topic contains 2,546 replies, has 340 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #776909


    Welcome my Webkinz Friends! So glad you decided to stop by and most will be happy you did. I decided to start my very first forum. Is there an item you just want so bad? An item that seems so far out of reach, because no one will trade you for it? Or, you’re just too new to Webkinz and don’t have much? Well you’ve come to the right place!!! Your Fairy Godmother is here to help. I have lot’s of stuff and NO I will not be listing what I have (you couldn’t handle it) LOL. All you have to do is make your wish here and If I have It, you just MAY receive It. And yes, you can make more than one wish. And everyone is welcome, everyone has a clean slate here. Only payment that I ask for is a sincere Thank You. Warning: All ungrateful people will be put on a list. Thank you for stopping by and “May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.”

    1. #800322

      Hi Fairy Godmother, I was going to narrow down what christmas items I need. If you have these I would love some. Ok here it goes: Peppermint Unicorn Psi, Green Candy Cane Canopy Bed from the Minty Reindeer, Webkinz Mistletoe Mouse Psi, or Jingle Elf Hat. I know these are big requests and I am so sorry they are it is just they are my deepest wishes. I would be happy with any of these though. Please let me know if you have any. Thank you so very much you are so generous. My username is orangecountycow26.

    2. #800319


      Oh Becky! I just signed in to my account this evening and discovered your gift. Thank you for the mix matched!!!! How did you ever remember that I wanted them for so long, with all these wishes from everyone? Also I don’t know how long ago you sent them, so I hope this thank you isn’t to late. We’ve been out of town on vacation for about a week now. My sister and I both appreciate your amazing generosity!!! Thank you!!! -SAR101101

      • #802399


        A thank you is never too late : ) When I have extra time I go back through the post and check to see If I missed anything.

    3. #800317


      Oh my goodness!!!! I can barely believe I actually have it now! Thank you so many times!!!! I have been trading for this slide for who knows how long now. I never thought I would actually get one! Thank you to most incredible amount of times that anyone has ever thanked!!! -bluejeansparkle4445

    4. #800318


      Hi Becky! I haven’t been here in a while, but my sister(Missy) helps grant wishes sometimes. I was wondering if I could make one last wish for a Christmas holiday spirit side please. It’s a lot to ask so it’s totally okay with me if you don’t want to send. Thank you for granting all these wishes. I know it’s been a lot, seeing the number of pages on this forum. We should all be grateful for someone like you. : ) -dubdub4

      • #802311


        Sorry dub, I already gave out what I had. You shouldn’t have wait so long to come back. I have lot’s of other Christmas items though.

    5. #800316


      Oh my goodness! Thank you so much Becky! This is a HUGE help to my gem room. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! -handstand5

      • #802398


        You are welcome. Just wish I had the other items. But If you can think of anything else you’d like to wish for let me know.

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