♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

This topic contains 2,546 replies, has 340 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #776909


    Welcome my Webkinz Friends! So glad you decided to stop by and most will be happy you did. I decided to start my very first forum. Is there an item you just want so bad? An item that seems so far out of reach, because no one will trade you for it? Or, you’re just too new to Webkinz and don’t have much? Well you’ve come to the right place!!! Your Fairy Godmother is here to help. I have lot’s of stuff and NO I will not be listing what I have (you couldn’t handle it) LOL. All you have to do is make your wish here and If I have It, you just MAY receive It. And yes, you can make more than one wish. And everyone is welcome, everyone has a clean slate here. Only payment that I ask for is a sincere Thank You. Warning: All ungrateful people will be put on a list. Thank you for stopping by and “May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.”

    1. #814375


      Oh, sorry, If you don’t mind me just making one more suggestion…the Neo Gothic Bath Tub!!! I would love to have that!! Thanks so much!! :-)

    2. #814374


      Thank you so much for doing this!! It’s very kind of you!! :-) I guess what I would wish for is the Invisible Car?? Or maybe something from the Elves Theme or Gold Theme or something really neat and different. My UN is the same as on here…Hunnypoo128. Thank you again!! :-)

    3. #814024


      hi my username is brownsuger1234567890 (sugar is spelled with a”e”) and I was wondering if you had any gem cars I could have, I also need signature PSI and e store points. thank you so much in advance promise to send something back!!

    4. #814014


      I’m looking for the farmers boots, the pickleberry juice, and the scarecrow from Jumbleberry fields. I totally understand if you don’t have these things as you have been giving people a TON of stuff…You are very generous. Webkinz needs more users like you. (P.S. If you decide to send, my username is RNM579). Thanks…

    5. #813945


      Hi ya! Most of you know that Fairy Godmother is on a vacation from wish granting. Now is the time that you may be able to do something nice for her! I actually heard this weekend that for the first time since I have known her she is actually wanting something:) Soooooo- if you have any signature furniture it would be a nice present and way to keep good going around! See ya crissy135 #solvetheneontutu

      • #814414


        Oh really crissy? Thanks for letting us know! I have some of the signature theme, I am so happy we can get her something she actually wants! ~Narnian100~

        • #814688


          Hey Narni- Long time since I have seen you on forums! I hope you are doing well! I am not sure exactly what she is looking for but I see DF made a post that has not cleared yet so maybe she has better information. Also, I have been needing to ask you a question so if you are on WW this weekend, send me a note so we can chat in clubhouse ok? Thanks crissy135 #solvetheneontutu

          • #815510


            Hey crissy sure we can meet in the clubhouse sometime soon, I wont be on webkinz much the next couple days. But I will try to remember to send you a letter when I have time ok? xD ~Narnian100~

      • #814503


        Thanks for letting us know. I’ve sent her a package of them, all I had. I have wanted to send our dear fairy godmother something for the longest time, but she always tells me she’s good, doesn’t want anything but a thank-you. I’m so glad that to finally know about something that she could use. How did you find out what she needs? I would love to send her more things, but don’t want to clutter her dock with things she can’t use and/or doesn’t want.

      • #814629


        Hi crissy FYI friendly already sent all except the dinning chairs just so you guys know. I’m sure Becky wouldn’t mind having extra items though. DF Thanks to who ever left the tag, hope some other read it!!!

      • #814639


        Do you know if there are any other items she is looking for besides the Signature Exclusives?I sent her all I had of those, and would love to send her some more things.

        • #815239


          Hi, Becky buys in bulk, in other words she buys an account loaded with PSI and promo and priceless. She did need Zum items, but I sent almost every items to her already. She got all the sig items except the chairs, my bff sent them, so I know this for a fact. I’m sure she could use extra windows, sofa, and bookcases, because those always work in rooms. Hope this helps, DF

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