♥ Donut seeds and super stune unicycle!! ♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♥ Donut seeds and super stune unicycle!! ♥

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  LambTyler 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #754146


    Happy webkinz day everybody!
    In this year’s super wheel we were able to win the donut seeds and the super stunt unicycle! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to win either of them :( So I need your guys help. If any of you won the super stunt unicycle or even better the donut seeds I would love it if you could tell me so we can try to figure out a trade! Thanks and PLKM!

    1. #754178


      Hi @LambTyler is the trade for your city chic top for my ghost pirate hat and portrait still on? PLMK! add me at ladygaudiel.

      • #755149


        I added you already and the trade is on! I will send you the chic city top and you can send me them both! Please don’t cheat or anything!

    2. #754176


      I would love some donut seeds too! I have all kinds of stuff I can send you-let me know what you need! I got a tv on the super wheel and already have some so let me know if you need it!

      • #755150


        I got the TV too. I have already talked to quite a few people, not very many have gotten it :( Thanks for your help though! :)

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