♪ TRADING TIME! Post what YOU are looking for and what you have here! ♪

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♪ TRADING TIME! Post what YOU are looking for and what you have here! ♪

This topic contains 267 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  SuperWebkinz 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #664093

    I’m looking for these
    Pink bunny ears
    Hula outfit
    Rock outfit
    Poncho’s shawl
    Lion costume
    Hippo costume
    Any rockerz pet clothes
    I have so many psi that I would love to trade for these LMK :)

    1. #664958

      supakinz, okay i understand. there both great items,
      but i traded a TON for it and i like it alot. the seeds and another PSI,
      does seem a bit to much, but i’m willing to do that. but i could get one from another person. lemme check

    2. #664956


      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-10 at 07:42 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-10 at 05:55 PM
      SW, no. i’m fine about doing my seeds for your lagoon,
      but my slide is priceless to me. sorry. anything else you liked?

      I understand you like your slide a lot lol :) That’s kind of the same way I feel about my catwalk, but the slide and the catwalk are both items I really like a lot so that’s why I was willing to trade my catwalk for it. Besides the bamboo chute slide though, hmmm, I don’t think there is any of the other signatures you have for trade that I would trade the catwalk for, sorry. About the lagoon, because the slide I think is a little cooler lol I thought I would add the lagoon to even up the catwalk and the slide, not as much the seeds, so I don’t think I would trade just the lagoon for just the seeds, sorry, I like the lagoon better. Maybe for the lagoon you could trade seeds and a regular psi? LMK :)
      Nutty Buddy-
      Hi! Lol you were right, witch is like my number one want lol :) Maybe we could trade your witch for my cat walk, banana split seeds if you still need lol, and something else you want? LMK :)
      SW :)
      SW :)


      As long as you and fudgey aren’t going to go any further, yes I would love to do that!!!! And I would just have you make a list of what you’d be willing to add, I just don’t want to take the trade away from fudgey who is a good friend of mine…..ya know? I feel kinda funny and want to make sure I hope you understand…..


    3. #664936

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-09-09 at 06:07 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 05:48 PM

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-09-09 at 05:13 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 04:45 PM
      does anyone have sailor cap torn or cat pants for trade? i will trade sea captin hat or estore for sailor cap.

      Hi Andi! :) Fred/Barrett here! I’ve got torn..what will you offer?

      well i don’t have much for it but i have….
      scuba pants
      pink infant
      safari hat
      koala shirt
      rock climbing shoes
      paint can hat
      trading card wizard glasses
      egg shoes
      and charmed dress.

      How about the charmed dress? LMK :) user is bierstadt, OR I am in blue zone trading room two right now if you wanna find me there…

      yay thanks ferretfriend. does anyone have the cat pants or sailor cap?

    4. #664912


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-10 at 05:55 PM

      SW, no. i’m fine about doing my seeds for your lagoon,
      but my slide is priceless to me. sorry. anything else you liked?

      I understand you like your slide a lot lol :) That’s kind of the same way I feel about my catwalk, but the slide and the catwalk are both items I really like a lot so that’s why I was willing to trade my catwalk for it. Besides the bamboo chute slide though, hmmm, I don’t think there is any of the other signatures you have for trade that I would trade the catwalk for, sorry. About the lagoon, because the slide I think is a little cooler lol I thought I would add the lagoon to even up the catwalk and the slide, not as much the seeds, so I don’t think I would trade just the lagoon for just the seeds, sorry, I like the lagoon better. Maybe for the lagoon you could trade seeds and a regular psi? LMK :)

      Nutty Buddy-
      Hi! Lol you were right, witch is like my number one want lol :) Maybe we could trade your witch for my cat walk, banana split seeds if you still need lol, and something else you want? LMK :)

      SW :)

      SW :)

    5. #664874


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-09-10 at 05:45 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-08 at 06:29 PM
      Hi! Just post what you want and have here, and have fun trading! :) -SW :)

      Do you have the designer catwalk?? LMK


      I apologize, I didn’t realize that my friend fudgey had already offered on the catwalk. I have been working on one with another person too but wanna keep my options open, if you don’t work something out with my friend fudgey, I would love to offer :) I think I read where you were looking for witch? Was that you or am I mixing people up again lol. I do have that but again, please try to work a trade with fudgey first :P


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