♪ TRADING TIME! Post what YOU are looking for and what you have here! ♪

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♪ TRADING TIME! Post what YOU are looking for and what you have here! ♪

This topic contains 267 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  SuperWebkinz 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #664093

    I’m looking for these
    Pink bunny ears
    Hula outfit
    Rock outfit
    Poncho’s shawl
    Lion costume
    Hippo costume
    Any rockerz pet clothes
    I have so many psi that I would love to trade for these LMK :)

    1. #665038

      sprinkle5 wrote on 2012-09-11 at 12:02 PM

      These are the only things I am looking for. I am not looking for anything else ok. I need
      New gumball seeds
      Webkinz Friends Blue throne
      Canyon Walk
      Sizzling Chair
      Endangered Sahara Desert Floor and Wallpaper
      The unsolved new Sweet Treats Toque. (Someone has solved it because I see pets in the trade room with it on).
      I have a bunch of stuff so if it is not on my list, please ask. I will list a few stuff here.
      I have most all priceless clothes (no sail)
      I have Promo clothes like candy hat and lily pad dress
      I have all deluxe clothes because I am deluxe.
      I have some promo items.
      Endangered Island Getaway
      Candy Apple Seeds
      All kinds of wardrobes
      Jungle Gym Slider
      Tennis Ball Swing
      Fox slide
      Bamboo slide
      Some pet of the month items.
      Badger Hill
      Moon Bed
      Doggie Dive Pool
      Zebra Piano
      Secluded Spa
      Haunted Dog House
      Some Neo Gothic Furniture
      Winged Piano
      Tall Toy Box
      Cell Phone Sofa
      Majestic Dog Mansion
      Tie Dye Pickup Truck
      New milk Jug Fridge
      and much more but too much to list.
      Remember, I am only trading for the stuff on my Want List.

      dang it! i have none of your wants! i’m sur i’d
      bother you from asking, but would you take a spring melody harp\for your peaceful
      plains piano? (zebra piano.) i know what you said, but i really want
      this and hey, doesn’t hurt to ask someone! JLMK……:(

    2. #665020


      These are the only things I am looking for. I am not looking for anything else ok. I need

      New gumball seeds
      Webkinz Friends Blue throne
      Canyon Walk
      Sizzling Chair
      Endangered Sahara Desert Floor and Wallpaper
      The unsolved new Sweet Treats Toque. (Someone has solved it because I see pets in the trade room with it on).

      I have a bunch of stuff so if it is not on my list, please ask. I will list a few stuff here.

      I have most all priceless clothes (no sail)
      I have Promo clothes like candy hat and lily pad dress
      I have all deluxe clothes because I am deluxe.
      I have some promo items.
      Endangered Island Getaway
      Candy Apple Seeds
      All kinds of wardrobes
      Jungle Gym Slider
      Tennis Ball Swing
      Fox slide
      Bamboo slide
      Some pet of the month items.
      Badger Hill
      Moon Bed
      Doggie Dive Pool
      Zebra Piano
      Secluded Spa
      Haunted Dog House
      Some Neo Gothic Furniture
      Winged Piano
      Tall Toy Box
      Cell Phone Sofa
      Majestic Dog Mansion
      Tie Dye Pickup Truck
      New milk Jug Fridge

      and much more but too much to list.

      Remember, I am only trading for the stuff on my Want List.


    3. #665016


      hey puppy sorry for the super long wait my close friend had a birthday. I really want to make a trade with 3D glasses I have moonberry dress if you want.

      P.S. I dont like moonberry dress

    4. #664979

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-09-10 at 09:33 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-10 at 07:42 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-10 at 05:55 PM
      SW, no. i’m fine about doing my seeds for your lagoon,
      but my slide is priceless to me. sorry. anything else you liked?

      I understand you like your slide a lot lol :) That’s kind of the same way I feel about my catwalk, but the slide and the catwalk are both items I really like a lot so that’s why I was willing to trade my catwalk for it. Besides the bamboo chute slide though, hmmm, I don’t think there is any of the other signatures you have for trade that I would trade the catwalk for, sorry. About the lagoon, because the slide I think is a little cooler lol I thought I would add the lagoon to even up the catwalk and the slide, not as much the seeds, so I don’t think I would trade just the lagoon for just the seeds, sorry, I like the lagoon better. Maybe for the lagoon you could trade seeds and a regular psi? LMK :)
      Nutty Buddy-
      Hi! Lol you were right, witch is like my number one want lol :) Maybe we could trade your witch for my cat walk, banana split seeds if you still need lol, and something else you want? LMK :)
      SW :)
      SW :)

      As long as you and fudgey aren’t going to go any further, yes I would love to do that!!!! And I would just have you make a list of what you’d be willing to add, I just don’t want to take the trade away from fudgey who is a good friend of mine…..ya know? I feel kinda funny and want to make sure I hope you understand…..

      nutty no no its totally fine! i’m not sure if the trade is making
      it or not so…. go ahead!

      supakinz, it was great trading with you but i think you
      should trade the catwalk to nutty :)

    5. #664966


      SW: do u still want the seeds? I like your ears plmk ~mortonhippo~

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