24-26 Sparkling Christmas Indoor Trees To Gift/Trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives 24-26 Sparkling Christmas Indoor Trees To Gift/Trade!

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  • #836959


    Hi WW players, as you might of noticed Ganz brought back a retired holiday item. I went nutso thinking it was a glitch and I would get superbeds and e-store well I guess it wasn’t! I bought 40 but sent 3 to Gold my friend. I used tons and now I am giving some to others or if anyone would help me by trading a moneyz item that would be great! Maybe the hickory clock, letters and slippers? Thank you very much and if you would like to gift to me that also would be kind. Peace to you!-Atom

    1. #837428


      Aww i just ran out of 2500 moneyz yesterday xP ok so are these indoor christmas trees and like (NOT) for the map????????????????? because if they are indoor and not for the map i could get u the christmas party pack????? or hmmmm idk

    2. #837348


      Cool, well I think the Holiday ones are the ones I need, I have the others that I want. Maybe and extra chair, clock, big need letters, slippers, the new releases. I used some for my rooms so I actually only have like 10 to trade/gift however I can buy some more at the W-shop. In case anyone is wondering you can find these in the W-shop for 250 KC so when I run out that is where to go.-Atom

    3. #837255


      Lol your comment has not loading in all it says is (Awaiting moderation) but i will check laterz! and i have the ganz world couch and more….

    4. #837226


      Great add me at frogsandfly as it is easier if others add me first. Then I will send you 3, how doews that sound! Peace and Happy Holidays-Atom

    5. #837101


      Wait so you have a ton of christmas trees??????/ because i REALLLLLLLY need some for my indoor holiday room! but they are all for map and outdoor ok contact me on WW my user is Glitter1414 remind me who u are because i will forget :P Happy Holidayz!

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