A Webkinz Sheltie???

Home Forums Pets – Archives A Webkinz Sheltie???

This topic contains 33 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  inki14 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #774596


    Who else thinks there should be a webkinz sheltie? Now that the collie is retired, there is nothing like it. I own a sheltie, and think it would be a fun webkinz to have. Would you get it if they made one?

    1. #776244


      Thx for replying! If they do make a coon cat for you dapplegreyhorse, I think they should make it signature. :) There are a lot of dinos and mythical pets, but not as many real pets these days. I really hope they make the sheltie!

    2. #776191

      Ok Dapple, i did. Oh and if you want to know more about Celtic Thunder i can tell you. Dapple you can just call me Angel if you want. ~Texas Girl

    3. #775545

      Hey, Bff inki14, Celtic women are Irish women dance and sing and one of them plays the violen. idk about celtic thunder i have never heard of it. YES MAKE A SHELTIE!! they are so pretty. Hey angelgirldog7, inki14 is my bff on ww. you should friend her. she is awesome. She is webkkinz10 on ww. ~Dapplegreyhorse

    4. #775267


      No I haven’t heard of either of those. Tell me more please!! -Missy

    5. #775223

      i like all dogs, so it does not matter to me. ~ Thunderhead Forever! P.S. have you ever heard of Celtic Thunder or Celtic Woman????????????

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