Adopting a Pet

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This topic contains 341 replies, has 203 voices, and was last updated by  jujubeandlily 2 weeks, 3 days ago.

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  • #858313

    Key Master
    1. #957923


      My daughter bought a webkinz plush and does not have an account. She wants to start an account with the code that came with her plush. She went on Webkinz and tried to “create an account” … it keep sending her to the “adoption center” and it gives her the option to adopt a “free” pet. She doesn’t really want a free pet, she just wants to create an account with the pet that comes with the code that came with her plush. How can she go about doing this?

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    2. #954065


      I purchased the Grumpy Cat thru the Ganz Store and adopted it on Sept 17, 2015. Is the Grumpy Cat considered “Any Plush Pet”? If yes, where is my One Month Free Deluxe membership?

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    3. #953659


      I have been banned from the trading room yesterday for saying camera i was banned for an hour now i’m banned again and i wasn’t even on at all today until now why is this?

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    4. #953414


      I am confused about getting 10 pets with their hearts filled in one day. I thought something special happened but I did not see anything change. I have done this at least 3 times including the challenge. Is it special or not and what happens.

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    5. #952964


      Im not really sure where to report this problem. But on September 1 I adopted the tye dye pony. Septembers pet of the month, but I never received the pet of the month gift bag? Can someone please help me with this. I ordered this pet from amazon on the middle of August and I just really would appreciate it if you helped me. My user is j1k1s1. Thanks! :)

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