Adopting a Pet

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This topic contains 341 replies, has 203 voices, and was last updated by  jujubeandlily 2 months ago.

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  • #858313

    Key Master
    1. #1080449

      Hello Ganz! i’ve loved webkinz ever since i was 5-6 years old and i remember they’d be sold at many places, like resterants, hallmark and now even dollar tree… but i have a very big problem that our dollar tree no longer has webkinz, and now our bealles has no webkinz either and they’re not coming back…. also the restarants and hallmark used to have them but now they’re disappearing! Could you please help bring them back to the places that carry them??? its not like every body buys them before other people do but there just not sold anymore all of a sudden. I am from new york and am in florida, and here in Brevard County i has found no more webkinz!!! not a single one in sight, very sad! I loooovvvee webkinz alot… yeah, amazon carries them but not everyone has time to go on amazon… though i like amazon too…

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    2. #1042145


      I have 800 pets and I can only find a few of them how do i search for them now under name or species

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    3. #1027070


      I can’t figure out how to enter our secret code. I read to look for a “Things to Do” tab, then click “Adoption Center”. I’m not seeing any of those options. I have started an account, and can log on, but don’t know where to go now.

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      • #1079307


        In the lower right hand corner of your page, click on things to do (in the middle of the paw). That will bring up all the places where you can go. Go to Code Shop and you should be able to enter your code. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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    4. #1022644


      Hello I have a question! I would like to know if you were to delete your Webkinz account would the codes that you used on that account be reusable for another

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      • #1022645


        Sorry I can’t help you with that. Hope you get help soon! ^-^

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    5. #1004991


      I am upset about Webkinz. Yesterday i could log in but today i can not!

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