Adopting a Pet

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This topic contains 341 replies, has 203 voices, and was last updated by  jujubeandlily 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858313

    Key Master
    1. #882728

      I adopted a pet but i never got its box WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!

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      • #882729

        any ideas

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        • #883615


          Try emailing Customer Service. :)

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    2. #882366


      Hi, my White Terrier Bows, her PSI has suddenly disappeared and Ive tried everyway to get it back. It happened on September 28th 2014 (yesterday) and im so sad!!! I know I didnt sell it or trade it, because its my prized possession. I didnt give it away either. CAN ANYONE HELP!!?!?!?!?!

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      • #882484


        Do you have a younger sibling who could have traded it when you weren’t there?

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    3. #882215

      crystal33447: Your psf only shows up when you buy and enter a pet no one else can get that food unless they have that pet to but you do have the option to trade them to ppl that don’t have that pet hope this helps:D

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    4. #882128


      hi gennelle! im a fan of podkinz! its so fun! well anyway. after i buy a pet their psf shows up in w shop so people can buy it? or only so if you have the pet you can buy it over and over again? please reply! anyway no one replays to me……..bye!<:

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      • #893039


        Hi crystal33447, only the person who bought the pet can buy it’s PSF in the wshop. :)

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    5. #879797


      Gennelle, I have a question for you. Will it ever be possible to buy Mazin Hamsters with our Ganz Bucks just like you can buy pets through the W shop? I would love to buy a second Hamster which would open up some of the pieces/rooms that can be used in building the mazes, not to mention that it wouldn’t take as long for the rooms and tubes to be built by my hamster. I hope Ganz considers it. Thanks for answering my question.

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      • #883614


        Hi LadyBeuty. There are actually some eStore exclusive Mazin’ Hamsters sold at the Ganz eStore website. :)

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        • #884177


          I know, but right now I am out of e store points, and I have been unable to get to a store that has the Webkinz Cards. I don’t have a Deluxe Membership, though I would like one, simply because the Membership can only be done by credit card, which we don’t have. So, the long and short of it is, the only e store points I have at the moment are the ones that are on my Webkinz account, thus my question. Thanks for trying to help though, I really appreciated it.

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