AIW’s Wishlist

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This topic contains 47 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  AliceInWebkinzland4 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #766782

    Hi guys! I’m looking to make trades for the following items. If anyone has anything on the list below, PLMK so we can hopefully work out a trade. Thank you!! AliceInWebkinzland’s WISHLIST:

    Jeweled Fountain (Razzle Dazzle Dog)
    Pup Star Vanity (Dazzle Dachshund)
    Relaxing Rocky Sauna (Lynx)
    Hibernation Hammock (Grizzly Bear)
    Cozy Hayloft Hideaway (Signature Cow)
    Three Ring Swing (Big Top Elephant, Estore)
    Taste Tester Fountain (Licorice Fish, Candykinz Estore)
    Polar Lamp Post (Minty Moose)
    Desert Tree Sunning Station (Meerkat)

    Hula Shirt

    Cloudy Window
    Window to Zumwhere
    Ponder Pond

    Charm Forest-
    Charm Forest Window
    Charm Forest Wallpaper&Flooring

    Adventure Park-
    Beanstalk Basket (Pink Pony Dig Prize)
    Celestial S’mores Campsite (Bengal Tiger Grand Prize)

    Caring Valley-
    Caring Sights Window

    Endangered Signature Wallpaper & Flooring Sets

    1. #770828


      Hey AIW, do you still have the Dragon’s Fire Candelabra? Not the grand prize, the one I’m looking for is Raziel curled up around a candleholder. He’s cute. THANKS!

      • #770932


        Hi wacky, I could give you the balcony window or two sets of wall/floor, for your cocoa shower. JLMK DF

      • #771170

        Ailurpoda, Oh wow! Thank you so so so much for the amazing surprises!! I am so thrilled!! Thanks a million!! Please do let me know if there’s anything else you would like to have and I’d happily find it for you! Again, thank you so much, I’m so grateful to have found so a wonderful friend!

        • #771185


          LOL send shower and I’ll send window. I can also check on extra walls and floor, that trade up there was a little steep, ya know. TTYS DF

          • #771831

            DF, Thanks for the window! I’m sending your shower over as soon as I log in. Yes, you’re right. I just can’t ever find anyone with any of those sets and I’m waiting on those in order to make rooms lol. Have a good day. :)

            • #772160


              Hi Alice, I have some at two of my storage accounts, but they are confusing. I need to take them all out the wardrobe and see which I have extras of. They all look alike to me, LOL I’ll send any extra I have, not the tundra ones, I know. TTYL DF

            • #772748


              Hi Alice, I’ll check today. Which ones do you need the most, PLMK. DF

            • #772847

              Hi DF, thanks for looking for those for me! The only two sets I don’t need are the Arctic Tundra (as you mentioned) and the Tropical Rainforest sets. I’m not sure how many there are in all, but I’d greatly appreciate an extra you might have of any of the sets! Just let me know what you’d like for them in return. Thank you!

            • #773507


              Hi Alice, I sent all my walls/floor to the one account I don’t have you on, Please accept my request to continue. LOL I don’t need anything, if you want to send something I can gift, it never hurts. TTYL DF

            • #774143

              DF, Thanks for that set! There turned out to be a lot more End. Sig. wall/floor sets than I thought! So any help is much appreciated! I’m assuming the request you were referring to was your 93 account? If not, I didn’t receive a different request from you, so just LMK. Thank you so so much!

      • #771167

        Hi AIluropoda, so nice to ‘hear’ from you! I sure do, so I’ll send that right on over as soon as I log in. Happy you could use something I have!! Have a great day, and let me know if there’s anything else you’re looking for!

    2. #768523

      Please note that I no longer need the Ponder Pond, Desert Tree Sunning Station PSI, or Celestial S’mores Campsite. Please add the Fancy Balcony Window to my wishlist. Thanks for looking!

    3. #767985


      I have the following Endangered Wallpaper and Flooring Sets: Temperate Forest
      Tropical Dry Forest
      Arctic Tundra
      Tropical Rainforest
      Mountainous Grassland Let me know what you want to trade for them. :)

      • #768514

        Hi there! I’d love to try and work out a trade for each of those sets, excluding the Arctic Tundra set (since I have it already:)). Is there anything in particular you know of that you’d like for the sets? If you’d prefer to trade just one or two sets, that’s okay as well. LMK your thoughts, thanks!

        • #768894


          I’d be interested in any Signature/Estore PSIs that you have for the sets and I am comfortable trading all of the sets. The only PSIs that I am not interested are the Banana Boom Box (Signature Chimpanzee), Frozen Fountain (Signature Penguin) and the Clockwork Fridge (Tinkerpup). My preferences for specific items I want are: White Tiger Crystal Fountain (Signature White Tiger), Burrowing Cliffslide Slide (Signature Black Footed Ferret), Log Lodge Pool (Signature Beaver), Weight Lifter’s Station (Signature Bull Terrier), Spellbook Perch (Apprentice Owl), and Nocturnal Clock (Purple Panther). Those are my preferences, but if you don’t have any of them just post what you do have and maybe we can work something out.

          • #769029

            Okay, thanks for listing some specific items, that always helps! I do have a White Tiger Crystal Fountain that’s not for general trade, however those sets appeal to me greatly, so I’d be willing to use it towards this trade lol. I was wondering how many sig/estore you’d need for the four sets? Feel free to LMK, thank you!

            • #769642


              The fountain sounds great! How about one PSI per set of wallpaper and flooring? Let me know what you think.

            • #770518

              Dogkat- I’m not sure I’d be comfortable trading four estore/sig psi for just the wallpapers. I could do the White Tiger Fountain another sig/estore and two regular psi though if that would interest you? LMK, thanks!

            • #770816


              Sure, how about another Sig. PSI and two regular PSIs. I would prefer newer PSIs (2012-2013) but I can work with older ones; just post what you’ve got. :)

            • #771177

              Okay, that sounds good to me. :) I’m not sure I have too many newer PSI, I do apologize. But here’s my list:
              Puppy Patrol Command Station
              Fortune Teller’s Table
              Queen of the Jungle Throne
              King of the Jungle Throne
              Tie Dye Kaleidoscope
              Wilds of the Jungle Sofa
              Culinary Cat Counter
              Pink & Whit Scratching Post Chair
              Spiral Pink Roses
              Reeds ‘n Rushes Sofa
              Blueberry Bumper Car
              Lap It Up Pool
              Frozen Pond
              Prehistoric Stove
              Wild Flower Spa
              Witch’s Brew Bathtub
              3 Wishes Genie Lamp
              Cell Phone Sofa
              Magical Meadow Bed
              Beautiful Blush Treadmill
              Flop ‘n Slop Bathtub
              Fire Hydrant Fridge
              Desert Drive-In
              Sand Dune Den
              LMK if you see anything you like. Thanks!

            • #771862


              How about your Sand Dune Den, Wild Flower Spa, and Puppy Control Command Station. My username is dogkat13. :)

            • #772197

              Thanks to a wonderful friend I no longer need the Tropical Rainforest set. So how about I trade the Sand Dune Den, Wild Flower Spa, and either the Command Station or Fountain for the Tropical Dry Forest, Temperate Forest, and Mountainous Grassland sets? LMK your thoughts on that. I’ll send you an FR from pookiejosephine. Thanks!

            • #772558


              I’d love to do your fountain and I have accepted the friend request. :)

            • #773002

              Dogkat, Okay great. Since there are six pieces to the three sets, would you like to send over two days or try and meet up, trade for three pieces and then send the other three? I’m flexible either way, but if we did solely sending, I would be most comfortable with you sending one half first. Feel free to ask around as to my trustworthiness. :) Just let me know, I’m ready to trade when you are. Thank you!

            • #774151

              DOGKAT- I’m sorry I didn’t wait for your reply to post, but I saw you sent over half of our trade already, so I thought I would go ahead and send my end. Its usually easier for me to trade via KP since I have trouble with the Clubhouse so often. Please send over your other end when you get a chance. Thank you in advance for a wonderful trade!

            • #773797


              I’d be fine with sending. I’ll send the Mountainous Grassland Set and Temperate Forest Flooring out first and the rest later. :)

    4. #767915


      Hi Wacky I sent you the ponder pond, nothing needed in return, just enjoy.

      • #768516

        MTT, Thank you so much! I was over the moon…or maybe over the cloud?…to receive that wonderful package! :D There has to be something you’d like in return? Just let me know, and again, thank you ever so much!

    5. #767475

      I have a beanstalk basket. It’s cute, but I would rather have one of the following prizes. They are in order from most wanted to least. Let me know if you have any of these: Rafi Plush, Boris Plush, firefly lantern, toy water wheel, cave crystal display box or toy weather monkey wind spinner.

      • #767851

        Hi there Mom, unfortunately it seems I don’t have any of those prizes up for trade. I do know that I have Sparky Bobblehead, Blue Crystal Paper Weight, Crab Trap Lamp, Dragon Treasure Pile, Cloud Scroll Display Box, Ghost Pirate Plush, and Dragon’s Fire Candleabra. Let me know if any of those would work instead, or if there’s something else you had in mind you’d like. Thank you.

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