Alternitive FREE PSF!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Alternitive FREE PSF!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  buttercup207 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #776799

    Ok i also wanna share my psf with everyone who wants it! here i have: rocker lion, plain dog, rocker pappion dog, earth fawn, charcoal kitty, cuddly koala! :D please tell me your username and what psfs you want! thanks!

    1. #790865


      can i have a riding the trails train???? and the golf cart and the wild west train and the humvee toy suv??? r these for free or trade?

    2. #787957

      hey people i can get those to all of you! i am closing on auguest first, so please put in final requests! XD!!!! i have added some pets, so now i also have the pom pom kitty, clydsdayle, walarus, and shnouzer ! also sorry if i spelt those wrong! ok, chillylilly, i will give you all of them and i would love it if you could send me yours! PEBBLES1973 i have no idea if you are talking about the psi or psf, please get back to me on that!! sorry jackrules, i am not sending or trading PSI, though i could send you the earth fawn pet specific food! thanks people, my webkinz user is garfieldgirl307! XD

    3. #784720


      Hi there, if possible I would LOVE a rocker pappion dog! You are so nice please try to do this for me! Thanks. UN: martinandapple

      • #787958

        hey petshop! i do not have any pet codes, though i will send u 3 pop sodas or more if ya want!!!!!! XD!!!!!!

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