Anyone have a butterfly super bed?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone have a butterfly super bed?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  HKSdancemomsfan10 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #777480


    I plz lmk if you have a butterfly super bed for trade and what you would want for it. Thx! I need a bunch btw, so anyone who has it plz reply!!!

    1. #780373


      Hi everyone! My username is Webkkinz10. That’s a capitol W and two k’s. Belle81502, I started this forum so I could find a butterfly super bed, and also would like the flower one. I really don’t mind if you would like to trade for one of the others though. -Missy

    2. #779382


      Hi superlizzie13! Are the butterfly and flower super beds for trade? And if so what would you need for them? I have a some super beds too, if that’s what you’d like. Also tons of rare and a few psi. Hope we can work something out! -Missy

    3. #778424

      I have a butterfly super bed, art super bed, ice cream super bed, over the rainbow super bed, a flower super bed, pancake super bed, an explorer super bed, and 2 others that I cant think of at the moment sooooo yeah

    4. #778548


      Oh thank you so much hannahsurfgirl!!! I very much appreciate it :)

    5. #778244

      I dont have one but I will be looking for some for you! what is your webkinz UN? I will post forums for you

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