Anyone have an offer on Plumpy or Charm? ~ABC

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone have an offer on Plumpy or Charm? ~ABC

This topic contains 27 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  123ABC 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #676074


    I Have
    Hippo Costume BOTTOM
    Red Ninja (And Mask)
    And Umm… Lemme Think….
    Paint Can Hat
    Ill LYK If I Think Of Anymore! :)


    1. #676271


      123ABC wrote on 2012-10-22 at 05:20 PM

      Hey guys, do you have any offers for these? Lmk!!

      FluffySilly: Thanks!!
      DQ00: Hmmmm.. Ill have to think about it….
      Leopold: No problems! Thats ok! I would need more for them, But thanks for offering!
      Snowy: Ill think about the Points! I have a Sig Psi, its the Juniper Hammock, and I have the Frozen Pond Psi, So LMK which one you want! I will think about the Points, so I will LYK if I need them ( Well I do, but you know what I mean? Lol! ) And yes, I would like you to post a list of priceless clothing and rare clothing you have!

      Thanks, and if you guys want to add me, I am dinog1rl NO CAPS!!



    2. #676267


      FluffySilly: Thanks!!
      DQ00: Hmmmm.. Ill have to think about it….
      Leopold: No problems! Thats ok! I would need more for them, But thanks for offering!
      Snowy: Hmmm I dont know…I need the Points, I have a Sig. Psi, its the Juniper Hammock, I dont know if you would like it, but I have a Frozen Pond Psi too, Lmk which one you want, and yes, please make a list of rare and priceless clothing that you have, Ill think about the eStore Points, Not really sure yet!

      Thanks so much for posting on my forum guys! I appreciate it! And If you have any other offers, LMK!


    3. #676251


      i couldnt find other forum but sorry i only have 500 estore points and i dont think i have priceless for trade :/

    4. #676221


      Hmmm…..I get monthly points (3000) and will get some next month. Would you trade plumpy for 3000 and a PSI? Or would you rather have me make a list of clothes? They won’t be the regular clothes….I will post priceless and rare clothes I have.

    5. #676209

      123ABC wrote on 2012-10-22 at 05:20 PM

      Hey guys, do you have any offers for these? Lmk!!

      Orange Army and Rock Jacket. I like both :)


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