Anyone Have Chic Black Couch for Trade?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone Have Chic Black Couch for Trade?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  JRS1 12 years ago.

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  • #712787


    I am looking for the Chic Black Couch (Black Panther PSI). If you have it for Trade and have some idea what you want for it please let me know. I have some PSI’s, Exclusives, lots of clothing and objects.

    1. #713368


      ERINSOCCER – Thanks but I already have the Gothic Couch. I’m really only interested in the Chic Black Couch. CHEYNNE – Yes, that was me. Thank you for your response re the Wild West Train.

    2. #713243


      JRS – I believe it was you asking on another forum about the Wild West Train. When checking out the themes I saw one listed, but have yet to see it at the Curio Shop.

    3. #713172

      what kind of rare clothes do you have? i dont have the chic black couch i have a neo gothic one though. also i have lots of rare clothes. i have for trade a amanda panda dress, silversuit jacket, dancing shoes, busy artist smock, chef hat, lilac sparkle party dress, and a lot of other things. maybe sometime we could trade.

      • #713198


        Hi, what would you like for the Lilac Sparkle party dress? Do you have any Deluxe monthly clothes? I can offer rare items (feast of fruit stand, or pile of Persian pillows) or a PSI for the dress and another item, the Icy Tundra Treadmill (store specific pet PSI).

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