Anyone have Clown Noses?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone have Clown Noses?

This topic contains 79 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  hannahsurfergirl 12 years ago.

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  • #91122

    <p>I need two clown noses.

    1. #678118

      Please respond!

    2. #677892

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-29 at 10:21 PM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-29 at 08:40 PM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-28 at 02:49 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-28 at 02:16 PM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-28 at 12:14 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-28 at 12:06 PM
      Sorry I couldn’t reply last night lol I tried a few times :P Anyway, spot of tea slide for the orangutang, I would probably ask you to add a regular psi :) LMK your thoughts :)

      It’s alright. Here’s a list of my current regular PSI which are NOT on hold.
      Trailblazen Terrier Scooter (White Terrier)
      Ancient Egg Fridge (Spotted Dino)
      Jungle Gym Chair (Chimp)
      Northern Nights Bed (Husky)
      Whale Sized Wardrobe (Blue Whale)
      Royal Guard Station (Welsh Corgi)
      Buffet Juicer (Pink Punch Dog)
      Powder Puff Couch (Powderpuff Porcupine)
      Jelly Bean Big Screen (Jellybean Puppy)
      VIP Booth (Glamorous Gorilla)
      Peek a boo Pond (Arctic Polar Bear)
      Snowy Campsite (Snow Fawn)
      Frozen Tundra Treadmill (Arctic Fox)
      Estore rockerz dog pants
      Egg Chair (Chicken)
      Cheer Leader Outfit (Pom Pom Kitty)
      Shaggy Yorkie Couch (Yorkie)
      Spots N’ Dots TV (Spotted Leopard)
      Batwing Chair (Bat) NGO

      Could do it like this……me-spot of tea slide, you the orangutang psi and the buffet juicer? LMK :P

      Yes. Do you want to send? I have to go but if you send the slide i’ll send the two PSI when i get back.


      I am so very sorry! I got super busy and had like a ton of stuff to do! :( If you still wanna do the trade, PLMK I am pretty well done for tonight but will be checking tomorrow after dentist lolz :)

      Yes, I still want to do the trade.

    3. #677886


      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-29 at 08:40 PM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-28 at 02:49 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-28 at 02:16 PM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-28 at 12:14 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-28 at 12:06 PM
      Sorry I couldn’t reply last night lol I tried a few times :P Anyway, spot of tea slide for the orangutang, I would probably ask you to add a regular psi :) LMK your thoughts :)

      It’s alright. Here’s a list of my current regular PSI which are NOT on hold.
      Trailblazen Terrier Scooter (White Terrier)
      Ancient Egg Fridge (Spotted Dino)
      Jungle Gym Chair (Chimp)
      Northern Nights Bed (Husky)
      Whale Sized Wardrobe (Blue Whale)
      Royal Guard Station (Welsh Corgi)
      Buffet Juicer (Pink Punch Dog)
      Powder Puff Couch (Powderpuff Porcupine)
      Jelly Bean Big Screen (Jellybean Puppy)
      VIP Booth (Glamorous Gorilla)
      Peek a boo Pond (Arctic Polar Bear)
      Snowy Campsite (Snow Fawn)
      Frozen Tundra Treadmill (Arctic Fox)
      Estore rockerz dog pants
      Egg Chair (Chicken)
      Cheer Leader Outfit (Pom Pom Kitty)
      Shaggy Yorkie Couch (Yorkie)
      Spots N’ Dots TV (Spotted Leopard)
      Batwing Chair (Bat) NGO

      Could do it like this……me-spot of tea slide, you the orangutang psi and the buffet juicer? LMK :P

      Yes. Do you want to send? I have to go but if you send the slide i’ll send the two PSI when i get back.



      I am so very sorry! I got super busy and had like a ton of stuff to do! :( If you still wanna do the trade, PLMK I am pretty well done for tonight but will be checking tomorrow after dentist lolz :)


    4. #677873


      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-29 at 01:34 PM

      bamboo578 wrote on 2012-10-28 at 03:04 PM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-28 at 12:43 PM

      bamboo578 wrote on 2012-10-28 at 12:11 PM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-28 at 11:54 AM

      bamboo578 wrote on 2012-10-28 at 11:22 AM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-26 at 11:01 PM

      bamboo578 wrote on 2012-10-26 at 10:41 PM
      Sure how about blue zone kinzchat +

      OK, so this?
      Token Collector Trophy and Ruby Window for Elephant shirt.
      Saturday at 11 KT in Blue Zone, KC+
      How about we meet in trading room 2? It’s usually less crowded. And i was wondering if you could add me?

      Oops. Did you mean 11am?

      No. I couldn’t get on last night and i didn’t see a message saying you have accepted my friend request. I think we could try to trade at 11 pm KT tonight.

      I don’t no who you were I got 2 requests and my parents proboly wont let me on

      Oh, i’m tilliefrog. Do you think we could meet sometime in the week? I’m always on in the morning and usually later at night. Here are some times i could meet you. PLMK if any of these work for you! (These are all in kinztime)
      11-12 am till 2 pm KT
      8 pm till 10-11 pm KT
      It’s alright if these don’t work. We’ll figure something out!

      11pm kt will do blue zone kinzchat ill be a panda named ribbon

      Did i miss you or something?

      I went around 11:55

    5. #677855

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-28 at 02:49 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-28 at 02:16 PM

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-28 at 12:14 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-28 at 12:06 PM
      Sorry I couldn’t reply last night lol I tried a few times :P Anyway, spot of tea slide for the orangutang, I would probably ask you to add a regular psi :) LMK your thoughts :)

      It’s alright. Here’s a list of my current regular PSI which are NOT on hold.
      Trailblazen Terrier Scooter (White Terrier)
      Ancient Egg Fridge (Spotted Dino)
      Jungle Gym Chair (Chimp)
      Northern Nights Bed (Husky)
      Whale Sized Wardrobe (Blue Whale)
      Royal Guard Station (Welsh Corgi)
      Buffet Juicer (Pink Punch Dog)
      Powder Puff Couch (Powderpuff Porcupine)
      Jelly Bean Big Screen (Jellybean Puppy)
      VIP Booth (Glamorous Gorilla)
      Peek a boo Pond (Arctic Polar Bear)
      Snowy Campsite (Snow Fawn)
      Frozen Tundra Treadmill (Arctic Fox)
      Estore rockerz dog pants
      Egg Chair (Chicken)
      Cheer Leader Outfit (Pom Pom Kitty)
      Shaggy Yorkie Couch (Yorkie)
      Spots N’ Dots TV (Spotted Leopard)
      Batwing Chair (Bat) NGO

      Could do it like this……me-spot of tea slide, you the orangutang psi and the buffet juicer? LMK :P

      Yes. Do you want to send? I have to go but if you send the slide i’ll send the two PSI when i get back.


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