Anyone have Elf shoes?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone have Elf shoes?

This topic contains 29 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  foxem9 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #88306


    <p>I have Emo jeans, Sea Capt’n Belt, Orange Army, Rockerz Canvas Shoes (Rockerz Cat Shoes) and Rockerz Pink Feather Skirt (Rockerz Cat skirt).

    1. #639101


      wait deadcolor i need some of your clothes

    2. #639073


      This posted kinda late and I actually got elf shoes in the clubhouse so I don’t need the forum, you’re more than welcome to use it though SAG. ^-^

    3. #639057


      i need emo and most of your items do you need swirl

    4. #639056

      DeadColours wrote on 2012-07-28 at 04:21 PM

      I have Emo jeans, Sea Capt’n Belt, Orange Army, Rockerz Canvas Shoes (Rockerz Cat Shoes) and Rockerz Pink Feather Skirt (Rockerz Cat skirt).

      Hi friends! Sadly no, I traded my elf shoes for full ketchup bottle costume. I do have the hat. Can I also use your forum?I need elf shoes too. So are we doing plumpy for your belt? Oops I just remebered I might be trading U2Pug.

    5. #639055


      I think Sag has elf shoes. You can ask her :) She also might have the hat too!

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