Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ANYONE HAVE SCUBA BELT FOR TRADE??

This topic contains 16 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tigerstripe21 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #614721


    Good luck Tigerstripe! I hope you get it! I will keep my eye out in the trading room ;)

    1. #615385

      DeluxeQueen00 wrote on 2012-06-11 at 08:37 AM

      tigerstripe21 wrote on 2012-06-10 at 09:22 PM
      And to ALL- How much is the tender hearts love seat in terms of priceless? And does anyone need year two pumpkin hat??

      Hi everyone! I have a Scuba belt, but need a good offer in priceless. Oh and congrats Tiger, on getting yours! :)

      Hey dq you still have scuba belt?? Awes, i would have totally traded with you!! oh well :P Do you have any other priceless though?? i heard u have deer :)

    2. #614986

      tigerstripe21 wrote on 2012-06-10 at 09:22 PM

      And to ALL- How much is the tender hearts love seat in terms of priceless? And does anyone need year two pumpkin hat??

      Hi everyone! I have a Scuba belt, but need a good offer in priceless. Oh and congrats Tiger, on getting yours! :)


    3. #614910

      And to ALL- How much is the tender hearts love seat in terms of priceless? And does anyone need year two pumpkin hat??

    4. #614908

      isabel202 wrote on 2012-06-10 at 03:53 PM

      I have what your looking for and I would want to trade it for ears or rare my user name on webkinz is isabel202 add me and hopefully we can trade

      Hey isabel202!! i don’t have any ears (i’m looking for some deer myself)- but i do have some rares. LMK which ones you’d like for scuba :)

    5. #614899

      candypuppy wrote on 2012-06-10 at 02:57 PM

      tigerstripe21 wrote on 2012-06-10 at 01:03 PM

      tigerstripe21 wrote on 2012-06-10 at 10:29 AM
      I\’m pretty desperate. LMK if you have it, and what you\’d like for it. I\’ll post my list in a bit :)

      Anyway… um… this is a little embarrassing, but… minutes after i started this forum i actually got the scuba bell it. Yeah. Fail.

      Hey Tiger, i’ve been looking for scuba belt too. I actually got offered scuba belt, emo jeans and plumpy the other day for my estore psi and I never got to trade with them because they were upset because I asked them what ‘emo jeans’ are worth. They thought I didn’t trust them and thought emo jeans were worth nothing. Anyway I was wondering what you traded for them so I can look for those items too, so I can get scuba belt!

      Hey candypuppy- That was a great offer from them! :) What PSI was it??
      Also, it really depends on the trader. Everyone’s values for scuba belt are so different, since kinzclothes just retired. Some offers have been about plumpy level, while others ask for wacky!! So it honestly depends. I got mine for cat shirt, scuba flippers, and big black belt. Even though i think i overpaid a little, it was worth it since i wanted it so much. Best of luck finding yours!

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