Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ANYONE HAVE THE FAIRY DEN DRESS FOR TRADE????

This topic contains 14 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Madison01Pet 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #731798

    Hi, I really really need the fairy den dress!! Items I have: 500 estore points, golden glide water slide (psi), tennis ball swing (psi), marshmallow seeds (psi), amazing treasue chest, 1000 kinzcash coin, cloud adventure wings hoodie pants and hat, brilliant ball gown (psi), tooth bunny mask, card collector cropped jacket, charmed dress, pop star dress, sparkle’s tiara, trading card game hat, ms. birdy’s pink blazer, Queen of hears gown, webkinz gown & tiara, chocolate factory machine, daring high dive, little lamb bed (psi), purple easter egg chair(psi), icing on the cake gazebo, rare persian pedestal, and much more! I’m willing to give multiple items for the fairy den dress.

    1. #732457

      Neo gothic dress, fire queen dress, elegant equestrian jacket just let me know

    2. #732122

      I have deluxe monthly items PLMK <3 alpineleopard

    3. #731828


      Hey sugar I dont have the dress but I am intrested in your brilliant ballgown I have a couple psi and almost all Pheresphones kinzstyle clothes and tons of misc clothes.BTW the fairy den dress is worth way more than what you have.. Add me Narnian100

      • #732421

        Could you list some of what you have? (I don’t need Pheresphones kinzstyle though)

        • #732443


          Well I have Snow Queen robe,forest archer dress, sunflower bonnet,paint can cap,mejestic monocle,sleepwalking hat,Movie star white dress,slips,City chic pants and top,Purple High cut sneackers,Vintage Glam top and hairband,milk carton firdge,wild jungle sofa,siamese psi,lilkinz bunny psi,fluffingtons armchair,plumpys desk and chair,humvee toy suv,trading cards outfit,all dleuxe kinzstyle clothes, Add me Narnian100:)

          • #732655

            I may be interested in some of those items. (: I sent a FR.

        • #865201


          hello everyone i am a good webkinz person i have 16 superbeds and lotes of rare items and i really need the neo glothic dress if anine is interested witth trading with me please comment below my username on webkinz is Madison01Pet

    4. #731824

      no thx, I don’t really need psi (sorry)

    5. #731814


      Im really srry I dont have the den dress but am intrestied in ur cloud wings and possibly the golden glide slide.Would u be intrested in a retired PSI? Thx Also have carefree cushion

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