Anyone Have These Items????

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone Have These Items????

This topic contains 23 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  RoomDesigner101 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89256


    <p>Items for me: Medival, neogothic, superbeds, exlusives, rares, priceless, PSI, and retired. Items for my friends: Exclusives, rares, superbeds, priceless, PSI retired, and arcade units. Will post my list later. I will only trade in the trading room! Sorry, it’s the rules!

    1. #652619


      christinekc wrote on 2012-08-15 at 04:46 PM

      Items for me: Medival, neogothic, superbeds, exlusives, rares, priceless, PSI, and retired. Items for my friends: Exclusives, rares, superbeds, priceless, PSI retired, and arcade units. Will post my list later. I will only trade in the trading room! Sorry, it’s the rules!

      i have some of everthing exept arcade units and priceless!!PLMK

      ~ be bright morningshine

    2. #652618

      RoomDesigner101 wrote on 2012-08-17 at 10:14 PM

      i want anything i dont have from the rare princess theme or the neo gothic theme. i also want the signature austrailian shepherd psi counrty sensation stage. thx!!!!!!!

      Well, I don’t have the Aussie PSI, but here’s what I have from the Princess and Neo-Gothic themes:

      Her Serene Highness Sofa
      Bellacourt Blooming Flower
      Enchanted Dreams Bed

      Neo Gothic Night Stand
      Neo Gothic Four Poster Bed

      I have many other rares from other themes, if you would like me to list those as well, but I think these are the only ones I have from the princess and neo gothic themes.

    3. #652589

      i want anything i dont have from the rare princess theme or the neo gothic theme. i also want the signature austrailian shepherd psi counrty sensation stage. thx!!!!!!!

    4. #652576

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-17 at 09:40 PM

      RoomDesigner101 wrote on 2012-08-17 at 09:32 PM
      i have just about a million things im willing to trade!!! i pretty long list! im going to post it.
      echanted garden fountain
      elaphant fountain
      w pond
      golden apple tree
      back counrty outhouse
      antique lamp post
      dress rehersal costume rack.
      dico ball
      zangoz chocolate fountain
      king of the garden statue
      lion topairy
      snack cart stove
      webkinz day countdown
      sparkly plant
      golf cart
      in home bowling alley
      loading chair
      (vitorian garden)
      appollo fountain
      elegant victorian fountain
      hand sculpted bird bath
      victorian garden chair
      royal reign rug
      sovreign stained glass window
      contessa candle wall sconce
      contessa candle lamp
      enchanted dreams bed
      (alice in wonderland)
      ace of clubs divider
      mad hatter chair
      mad hatter tea table
      painted rose bush
      queen of hearts bed
      orca pond
      elaphant travel trunk
      lily pad water bed
      wallowing tub
      siames cat psi
      pug psi
      clidesdale psi
      wacky hot air balloon
      signature sofa
      flowing ribbons bed
      hollow log lounger
      captains quaters flooring
      cheery chimney firplace
      blue frost tree
      hickory clock
      santakinz christmas chair
      santakinz desk
      sanakinz dining chair
      santainz workshop window
      sparkling christmas tree
      merry magic sleigh bed
      spooky cobweb bed
      jack o chair
      cold flames cauldron
      frightening fireplace
      jackolantern candalabra
      mad scientist work station
      haunted house table
      creepy cursed chairs (x2)
      terrifying torch (x3)
      cursed cradle bed
      nafaria stained glass window
      nafaria poster
      super bed
      princess and the pea
      sugary sweet dreams
      ling of the castle
      threatre stage bed
      as you can see i like to trade! i probably will not have all of these items with me when i go to trade in the trading room so if you want something put in a request here. if more thatn one person want an item, the first person i trade with is the first person to add me. my username is sarahgoosey. happy trading!

      I’m interested in the signature sofa and ribbon bed, LMK what you’d like :)

      I also have the signature sofa LMK :)

    5. #652567

      some of the psi i want right now is thee signature potugese water dog psi, water dog falls. or black panther psi, chic black couch. i have more i want but i cant really remember right now, ill check back with you.

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