Anyone Have These Items????

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone Have These Items????

This topic contains 23 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  RoomDesigner101 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89256


    <p>Items for me: Medival, neogothic, superbeds, exlusives, rares, priceless, PSI, and retired. Items for my friends: Exclusives, rares, superbeds, priceless, PSI retired, and arcade units. Will post my list later. I will only trade in the trading room! Sorry, it’s the rules!

    1. #652760

      yeah, i totally get it!!! i actually might not be able to make it either. :( my dad just told me we were going somewhere. so maybe later today. ill let you know. well im wiling to trade you the cheery chimney fireplace, or the spooky cobweb bed. we can also try for the jack o chair. that is the stuff you wanted right? ok. i’ll add you on webkinz. i’ll let you know if i can make ipm. prob not. :(

    2. #652709

      RoomDesigner101 wrote on 2012-08-17 at 10:14 PM

      i want anything i dont have from the rare princess theme or the neo gothic theme. i also want the signature austrailian shepherd psi counrty sensation stage. thx!!!!!!!

      I have the neo gothic side table lmk :)

    3. #652680

      RoomDesigner101 wrote on 2012-08-17 at 10:43 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse, i am interested in your neo gothic bed. add me sarahgoosey. we can trade in the trading room tomorrow at like 1pm in green. add me first!!!!

      I will try to be there, but my schedule can be erratic; I’ll tell you if I can make that time when we get a bit closer to it. I will certainly send you a friend request when I log in next (I’m Goomelus on Webkinz World). Also, before we meet could we work out specifically what items will be traded? I have a hard time loading clubhouse and trading is easiest if I know what to put up right off. So on my end it’s the neo-gothic bed; what of the items I was interested in are you willing to trade for it? Please let me know. Thanks!

    4. #652674

      i may trade off some of my stuff as the days go by so if you want something ask for it early.

    5. #652631

      LadyOfTheHouse, i am interested in your neo gothic bed. add me sarahgoosey. we can trade in the trading room tomorrow at like 1pm in green. add me first!!!!

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