Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ANYONE NEED BIG BLACK BELT OR BROWN BELT????

This topic contains 130 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  guest112232 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #638681


    I need the brown belt! Do you need elf hat? I have the jingle and normal ones.

    1. #642449


      DeluxeQueen00 wrote on 2012-07-31 at 01:43 PM

      Would you take a Studded Pink Belt for a Brown Belt?

      DQ could I offer on your pink belt

    2. #642446


      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 10:08 PM

      Nutty- I also have signature contry sensation stage, signature fourtune telling table, burret fruit juicer and winged wardrobe. LMK!
      Sag- No sorry

      Hi I really like your winged wardrobe

    3. #642445


      DeadColours wrote on 2012-07-28 at 01:43 PM

      Need Emo jeans, Green swim top, Rockerz cat shoes, or Rockerz cat skirt? o:

      I need your green swim top

    4. #641891

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:43 AM

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:07 AM
      PUPPYLUVER- PLMK when you’ve obtained the Brown Belt, as I would like to try and wrap this trade up. Also, what you would be adding. LMK, thanks. ~WW

      I asked if you wanted to just do the two belts and the psi and lol I want to wrap it up too but every time I try to get it something else is in my way :)

      Oh okay, sorry I must have missed that post entirely, but yes, I probably would do that trade. Just curious as to whether or not you have any Estore PSI though? Oh ok, well just LMK when you do have it. Thanks. ~WW

    5. #641856

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:07 AM

      PUPPYLUVER- PLMK when you’ve obtained the Brown Belt, as I would like to try and wrap this trade up. Also, what you would be adding. LMK, thanks. ~WW

      I asked if you wanted to just do the two belts and the psi and lol I want to wrap it up too but every time I try to get it something else is in my way :)

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