Anyone need Narwhal PSI?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone need Narwhal PSI?

This topic contains 25 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  $tarryNight 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86349


    <p>Trading Narwhal PSI (Arctic Tusk Tub). I’ve received a few priceless offers, but still open to other offers :)

    1. #615123

      nsoroma79 wrote on 2012-06-10 at 12:29 AM

      OMG YES PLS!!! I was out of town for the weekend the pet was sold and I missed it. I have been trying to find the PSI since then! lol
      I have the following to offer:
      Sig King Charles Spaniel PSI
      Sig Turkey Dining table
      Sly Slide
      Tulip Tower Windmill
      Starlight Stable
      Handbag Bed (Sig Yorkie)
      Handbag Swing (Sig Pug)
      Panoramic City Window (Sig Raccoon)
      Timeless Treasure TV (Emperor Dragon)
      Rainbow Cloud Couch (Pegasus – Retired 02/07)
      Snowy Camp Site (Winter Fawn retired 12/11)
      Rapid Rescue Fire Truck (Dalmatian – retired 10/08)
      Counting Sheep Machine (Sheep – retired 08/08)
      Autumn Paw Print Window (Black Lab retired 11/08)
      Healthy Harvest Dining Table (Gobbler Turkey retired 11/11)
      FASTCAR Racer (American Cocker Spaniel retired 6/08)
      Monkey Business Sofa (Monkey retired 11/08)
      Fuzzy Creature Couch (Purple Monster E-store)
      Shamrock Dragon Geyser (E-store)
      Cocoa Basket Bed
      Doggie Diving Pool
      Patchwork Sofa
      Fred Rover’s Sofa
      Signature Sofa
      Whimsical Window
      Moon Lamp
      Undersea Porthole
      Blue Lava
      Valentine’s Tubby Tummy Bear
      Valentine’s Bouquet
      Heart’s Desire Roses
      Forever You Rose
      Santakinz Nutcracker
      Wacky Zingoz Snowglobe
      Polar Plunge Snowglobe
      Shamrock Jukebox
      Year 2 Trophy and print
      Year 3 Trophy and print
      Year 4 Trophy
      Token Collector Trophy
      Phantom and Pumpkin Pop
      Blood Sucker Candy
      Clothes and Promo:
      Atomic Couch
      Emerald Gemster
      Pink bunny
      Frankenkinz Hat
      Pink Romper
      White bunny
      Jack O’Lantern Hat
      Bat Fairy Cape
      Adventure Park Cloud Wings
      Social Media Couch
      Millie’s Slide
      PLMK if you see anything you like :) Thanks!

      I really like your

      Atomic Couch
      Emerald Gemster

      I have these

      Promo Fountain of WOW
      Promo Beetle Bee Helicopter

      Would u do both of my Promo for your burger wacky and gemster?

    2. #615114


      I also just found my Red Velvet Bunny PSI as well :)

    3. #614651


      I have the Fluffington’s Art Desk, Goober’s Book of Knowledge, the City Hall Chair and the Doug the Dog Wanted Poster from Webkinz Friends. I also have Signature psi: a Daring Den Slide, Woolly Carnival Cannon and the Cat’s Meow Garden (and more but I can’t think of them all right now). I also have a bunch of regular PSI, exclusives and rares. Do you need the Fancy Tea Service or blue or green lava? I have some other stuff from year two and up as well, so if there is something you are looking for, please ask.

    4. #614636


      OMG YES PLS!!! I was out of town for the weekend the pet was sold and I missed it. I have been trying to find the PSI since then! lol

      I have the following to offer:

      Sig King Charles Spaniel PSI
      Sig Turkey Dining table
      Sly Slide
      Tulip Tower Windmill
      Starlight Stable
      Handbag Bed (Sig Yorkie)
      Handbag Swing (Sig Pug)
      Panoramic City Window (Sig Raccoon)
      Timeless Treasure TV (Emperor Dragon)
      Rainbow Cloud Couch (Pegasus – Retired 02/07)
      Snowy Camp Site (Winter Fawn retired 12/11)
      Rapid Rescue Fire Truck (Dalmatian – retired 10/08)
      Counting Sheep Machine (Sheep – retired 08/08)
      Autumn Paw Print Window (Black Lab retired 11/08)
      Healthy Harvest Dining Table (Gobbler Turkey retired 11/11)
      FASTCAR Racer (American Cocker Spaniel retired 6/08)
      Monkey Business Sofa (Monkey retired 11/08)
      Fuzzy Creature Couch (Purple Monster E-store)
      Shamrock Dragon Geyser (E-store)
      Cocoa Basket Bed
      Doggie Diving Pool
      Patchwork Sofa

      Fred Rover’s Sofa
      Signature Sofa
      Whimsical Window
      Moon Lamp
      Undersea Porthole
      Blue Lava
      Valentine’s Tubby Tummy Bear
      Valentine’s Bouquet
      Heart’s Desire Roses
      Forever You Rose
      Santakinz Nutcracker
      Wacky Zingoz Snowglobe
      Polar Plunge Snowglobe
      Shamrock Jukebox
      Year 2 Trophy and print
      Year 3 Trophy and print
      Year 4 Trophy
      Token Collector Trophy
      Phantom and Pumpkin Pop
      Blood Sucker Candy

      Clothes and Promo:
      Atomic Couch
      Emerald Gemster
      Pink bunny
      Frankenkinz Hat
      Pink Romper
      White bunny
      Jack O’Lantern Hat
      Bat Fairy Cape
      Adventure Park Cloud Wings
      Social Media Couch
      Millie’s Slide

      PLMK if you see anything you like :) Thanks!

    5. #613563


      Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the ocean
      Causing a commotion
      Cause they are so awesome.
      LOL sorry i don’t have an offer but i just had to sing that song.

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