Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives BEAVER PSI FOR TRADE!!

This topic contains 46 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  morningshine 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #644291


    its the log lodge pool :)


    1. #644451


      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-06 at 02:41 AM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-05 at 11:52 PM
      Can you make a list of your clothes??
      Thanks!!! KR

      The PSI I have are the leaping lemur trampoline, tennis ball swing, ESTORE gumball wardrobe, water bed, soda sprinkler, crazy chest, yorkie couch, beautiful blush treadmill, racetrack treadmill, underwater television, tiger striped convertible, Fastcar convertible, superbeds, and more. You can pick any 3 or 4 items or clothes. Bailey101010

      Guys can i please offer my stuff first cause i was the first to offer. lmks bailey101010

    2. #644442

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-06 at 10:07 AM

      Hey there KR!! here’s what i can offer for your PSI (I really want it!!)
      Retired KINZCLOTHES Scuba Flippers
      Retired KINZCLOTHES Rock Boots (If Ferret comes back from vacation soon to trade with me)
      Deluxe Lucky Leprechaun Hat (If Ferret comes back from vacation soon to trade with me)
      Deluxe Pixie Dress
      Deluxe Sushi Chef Uniform Top
      Deluxe Birthday Cake Hat
      Full Retired Black Ninja Outfit (Retired 2009)
      Also if all goes well with my trade with Sonici, i will also have signature mountain climbing cliff (signature endangered cougar psi!) for trade as well.
      For now, just LMK if you like any of these items for trade, and we can go from there.
      Thanks So much,

      Oh and i can offer…

      All four deluxe items of clothing (if ferret gets back… if not i can substitute one deluxe item with the ninja costume.)
      Scuba Flippers and one deluxe item
      Rock boots and one deluxe item
      The signature psi and one or maybe two deluxe items

      Also if the combination you choose has over three items, i can do kinzpost. I’ve traded with ohmy1 and sonici through kp and sent first both times, so i’m trustworthy :)

      LMK what you think


    3. #644415

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-06 at 10:07 AM

      Hey there KR!! here’s what i can offer for your PSI (I really want it!!)
      Retired KINZCLOTHES Scuba Flippers
      Retired KINZCLOTHES Rock Boots (If Ferret comes back from vacation soon to trade with me)
      Deluxe Lucky Leprechaun Hat (If Ferret comes back from vacation soon to trade with me)
      Deluxe Pixie Dress
      Deluxe Sushi Chef Uniform Top
      Deluxe Birthday Cake Hat
      Full Retired Black Ninja Outfit (Retired 2009)
      Also if all goes well with my trade with Sonici, i will also have signature mountain climbing cliff (signature endangered cougar psi!) for trade as well.
      For now, just LMK if you like any of these items for trade, and we can go from there.
      Thanks So much,

      Okay add the signature endangered cougar PSI to the list for sure!!

    4. #644378

      morningshine wrote on 2012-08-06 at 10:25 AM

      hi aquamarinecatsuma if kr doesn’t want the the endangered cougars psi can we try to make a trade?
      be bright morningshine

      Ohhh i actually don’t have that yet. I’m waiting for a reply from sonici which is why i added the whole “if all goes well with sonici” part.. but sure feel free to offer on it! I’m looking for signature or estore psi at the moment. LMk if you have any!

    5. #644375


      hi aquamarinecatsuma if kr doesn’t want the the endangered cougars psi can we try to make a trade?
      be bright morningshine

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