Best Pet Outfits

Home Forums My Pets Best Pet Outfits

This topic contains 113 replies, has 55 voices, and was last updated by  penguin5 2 months ago.

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  • #858299

    Key Master
    1. #878638


      Right now, my Signature TImberwolf Akela is decked out in a Vampire Costume, Wonderful Whimsical Top Hat, Wing Tip Shoes, and Tabby von Meow Glasses (which will soon be replaced with a Majestic Monocle, if I can ever get one :P). Not exactly the most conventional outfit, but I like the classy outfit. Besides, unconventional is the new conventional nowadays. :D

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    2. #876543


      I love the sparkly silver tuxedo on my cocker spaniel Max :) Recipe for jacket: kinzville academy slacks, tiara, tuxedo jacket. For pants: Tan suit pants, sparkly pink bow, tuxedo shoes.

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    3. #875690


      My Arabian horse, Vanessa, always has the yellow cami and jean capris with blue Crocs on hold just in case she needs to look like a model on a go-see ;) The outfit is super cheap at the Kinzstyle outfit but it’s super cute too! It got 5 on the Runway and it’s available to everyone :D go check it out! ~Queen

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    4. #873818


      My Rockerz Papillion Bow looks SUPER cute in her stylish city dress, hot pink studded shades, and gleaming gold sandals.

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      • #876505


        That sounds soooo cute! ~Queen

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        • #876853


          Aww, thanks! You should really try that one out if you have it all!

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    5. #873839


      I think my favorite outfit is Too Cool ball cap, red and black leggings, those papillon rockerz shoes, and the rockerz jacket. sorry if i got the names wrong, I practicaly quite webkinz since they took out most of the kinzchat plus rooms. :’(

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