Birdseye’s Trading Center

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Birdseye’s Trading Center

This topic contains 35 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Emma0074 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #718903


    Hey everyone. I have a large selection of PSI, exclusives and rares. I will post my trading list soon. I have a Time Warp Clock that I don’t want as well. Does anyone want it? I will give it to the first person who says they would like it. -birdseye-

    1. #755906


      i would like to offer any rare outdoor items for the banana split bed…. i never get exclusive boxes! XD

    2. #725869

      Catdy, Alright, if Birdseye isn’t interested, feel free to offer on those items. Thanks. :)

    3. #725863


      Alice. If Birdseye isn’t interested i like your Milk Carton Fridge and Autumn Paw Print Window. But of course Birdseye has first choice.

    4. #725842

      BIRDSEYE- So sorry, I had forgotten I inquired about the bed. Would love to try and make a trade for it. Here is a PSI list:
      Queen of the Jungle Throne
      King of the Jungle Throne
      Goggles Scrying Pond
      Poco Fiesta Throne
      Underpass Hideaway
      Autumn Paw Print Window
      Jungle Gym Chair
      Spiral Pink Rose Bushes
      Songbird Stereo (Hold)
      Rabbit Eared Television
      Pink & White Scratching Post Chair
      Culinary Cat Counter
      Yarn Ball Sofa
      Fire Hydrant Fridge
      Wallowing Tub
      Tie Dye Kaleidoscope
      Wilds of the Jungle Sofa
      Lizard Lounge Chair
      Racetrack Treadmill
      Milk Carton Fridge
      LMK if you see anything you like. Thanks.

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