Birthstone lamps

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Birthstone lamps

This topic contains 25 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  MOOON QUEEEEN 12 years ago.

  • Author
  • #708287

    Who wants 1 garnet lamp and 2 rose zircon lamp for a trade for anything!

    1. #713322

      What are you interested in?

      • #713432

        Right now, I’m looking for Wings, DJ, Rockerz psi and clothing, other Gem Furniture, Signature PSI, Spins, Deluxe, and Poncho. I can add if you want me too as well. PLMK if you have anything! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

        • #713476

          I have some Rockerz clothing from the cat Rockerz

          • #713515

            From the Cat Rockerz, I need the Glasses and Shirt the most, but I also need the Skirt.

            • #713561

              I can trade skirt for one of your gem furniture maybe?

            • #713578

              Yeah, sure, that would be fine! My user is popprincess236! Add me and we can meet in the trading room. I will be on all day. Also, do you want the Ruby Desk, the Peridot Table, or the Peridot Side Table? PLMK and tell me what zone to meet in! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

            • #714117

              Actually, it is a Garnet desk, not a Ruby desk. Also, I recently got more gem items. I now have the Garnet Poster, Peridot table lamp, and Garnet desk chair as well as the tables and the desk. Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

            • #715713

              Hey, I don’t mean to be pushy, but are we still going to trade? PLMK ASAP! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

    2. #712025

      I have lots of gem lamps, including Garnet, Rose Zircon, Blue Zircon, Sapphire, Topaz, and May Gemstone (Emerald). I’ve also got some Gem Furniture if anyone’s interested! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

      • #712051

        oooo cool :) Gem furniture do you wanna trade :)

        • #712712

          Sure, but I have both of those lamps. What else would you offer? Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

    3. #711950

      sure! okay, remember to send the lamps! thnx bb5! (:

    4. #710832


      Oh, I got one for some jelly beans yesterday. I liked it because it was sparkly, so I said yes. I didn’t know if they were good or not; thanks! (= ~Pokefrevr

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