birthstone lamps for trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives birthstone lamps for trade

This topic contains 75 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  horse121 12 years ago.

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  • #654207

    is anybody post any comments

    1. #655882


      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 03:42 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-22 at 03:33 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:58 PM

      HoneyDreamSweet wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:16 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 01:55 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 02:24 PM
      I need all lamps, and 4 of each, LOL Looking for the,
      Alexandrite Lamp (Need this the most, my birthday is in june)
      July Birthstone Lamps
      May Birthstone Lamps
      And all the rest, lol. I missed the promotions.

      I have Alexandrilite and July lamp what is your offer? I am looking for birthstone psi, points, sig, swings,slides, promo, sig,ex. I also have the prismic chair for your rainbow room! Plmk ASAP thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      I don’t have any at the moment…sorry, do you need anything else? :)
      All- Does anyone have the Pearl Pup Psi, Neo Gothic Items or slips?

      Hi could u please make a list thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      Do you want psi, clothes or…?

      Estore or psi or priceless if u have lol thanks, ~mortonhippo~



    2. #655878


      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 03:42 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-22 at 03:33 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:58 PM

      HoneyDreamSweet wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:16 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 01:55 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 02:24 PM
      I need all lamps, and 4 of each, LOL Looking for the,
      Alexandrite Lamp (Need this the most, my birthday is in june)
      July Birthstone Lamps
      May Birthstone Lamps
      And all the rest, lol. I missed the promotions.

      I have Alexandrilite and July lamp what is your offer? I am looking for birthstone psi, points, sig, swings,slides, promo, sig,ex. I also have the prismic chair for your rainbow room! Plmk ASAP thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      I don’t have any at the moment…sorry, do you need anything else? :)
      All- Does anyone have the Pearl Pup Psi, Neo Gothic Items or slips?

      Hi could u please make a list thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      Do you want psi, clothes or…?

      Estore or psi or priceless if u have lol thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      Morton. You need to ask for FAIR items. Their Peek-a-newz lamps. They are not worth anywhere NEAR birthstone PSI, priceless, or estore.
      Everyone: You can get lamps for free, at least i was giving them out. And there are people on WKN who do have fair offers. So don’t do a bad trade.

    3. #655862


      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-22 at 03:33 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:58 PM

      HoneyDreamSweet wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:16 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 01:55 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 02:24 PM
      I need all lamps, and 4 of each, LOL Looking for the,
      Alexandrite Lamp (Need this the most, my birthday is in june)
      July Birthstone Lamps
      May Birthstone Lamps
      And all the rest, lol. I missed the promotions.

      I have Alexandrilite and July lamp what is your offer? I am looking for birthstone psi, points, sig, swings,slides, promo, sig,ex. I also have the prismic chair for your rainbow room! Plmk ASAP thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      I don’t have any at the moment…sorry, do you need anything else? :)
      All- Does anyone have the Pearl Pup Psi, Neo Gothic Items or slips?

      Hi could u please make a list thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      Do you want psi, clothes or…?

      Estore or psi or priceless if u have lol thanks, ~mortonhippo~

    4. #655851


      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:58 PM

      HoneyDreamSweet wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:16 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 01:55 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 02:24 PM
      I need all lamps, and 4 of each, LOL Looking for the,
      Alexandrite Lamp (Need this the most, my birthday is in june)
      July Birthstone Lamps
      May Birthstone Lamps
      And all the rest, lol. I missed the promotions.

      I have Alexandrilite and July lamp what is your offer? I am looking for birthstone psi, points, sig, swings,slides, promo, sig,ex. I also have the prismic chair for your rainbow room! Plmk ASAP thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      I don’t have any at the moment…sorry, do you need anything else? :)
      All- Does anyone have the Pearl Pup Psi, Neo Gothic Items or slips?

      Hi could u please make a list thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      Do you want psi, clothes or…?

    5. #655816


      HoneyDreamSweet wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:16 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-22 at 01:55 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 02:24 PM
      I need all lamps, and 4 of each, LOL Looking for the,
      Alexandrite Lamp (Need this the most, my birthday is in june)
      July Birthstone Lamps
      May Birthstone Lamps
      And all the rest, lol. I missed the promotions.

      I have Alexandrilite and July lamp what is your offer? I am looking for birthstone psi, points, sig, swings,slides, promo, sig,ex. I also have the prismic chair for your rainbow room! Plmk ASAP thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      I don’t have any at the moment…sorry, do you need anything else? :)
      All- Does anyone have the Pearl Pup Psi, Neo Gothic Items or slips?

      Hi could u please make a list thanks, ~mortonhippo~

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