bowling alley, move screen or arcade units needed!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives bowling alley, move screen or arcade units needed!

This topic contains 47 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  jarvis 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86302


    <p>hi! i need the bowling alley, move screen or arcade units. If you have one post. tell me what you want.

    1. #614140


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-06-08 at 07:23 PM

      wildfire, those R rare items. not retired exclusives.
      but after the rare egytpion theme retires i guess you could say that.
      smokey, looking for retired exclusives? i’ll post the ones i DON’T have
      and then you can post the ones you like. heres some i DO NOT HAVE.
      blue,purple, and red lava lamp, jelly lollipop tree, fancy tea service, blue dragster, ameythest geode,
      giant sanwhich table, giant venus flytrap, gold safe, grandfather clock, (not wooden) neon plant,
      stone elphant statue, toadstool table, rainbow jelly cactus, remember the ones i listed R the
      ones i DO NOT HAVE! i have all the others though. PLMKSNOL.

      Hey fudgey, what do you want for those lavas?

    2. #614115

      jarvis wrote on 2012-06-06 at 04:58 PM

      hi! i need the bowling alley, move screen or arcade units. If you have one post. tell me what you want.

      I need shuts and will purchase u an arcade unit of ur choice Im halfway there
      -o~ APnucka

    3. #613923

      wildfire, those R rare items. not retired exclusives.
      but after the rare egytpion theme retires i guess you could say that.

      smokey, looking for retired exclusives? i’ll post the ones i DON’T have
      and then you can post the ones you like. heres some i DO NOT HAVE.
      blue,purple, and red lava lamp, jelly lollipop tree, fancy tea service, blue dragster, ameythest geode,
      giant sanwhich table, giant venus flytrap, gold safe, grandfather clock, (not wooden) neon plant,
      stone elphant statue, toadstool table, rainbow jelly cactus, remember the ones i listed R the
      ones i DO NOT HAVE! i have all the others though. PLMKSNOL.

    4. #613759

      smoky01 wrote on 2012-06-07 at 10:01 PM


      i have bowling alley and movie screen

    5. #613486



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