Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CAT HAT FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 87 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  ferretfriend 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #88071


    <p>Looking for cat feet and scuba belt!

    1. #637689


      Hey sag! Do you mind if I trade peace? I am trading charm for her swirl. Is that ok? Also I think you should keep one elf hat and trade the other for which. You can find it very easy in the clubhouse. In fact, I am going to help you look for one! Ps I do not have scuba belt yet, I am looking for it.

    2. #637687

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-26 at 11:05 AM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-26 at 10:40 AM
      I urgently need help is elf hat worth plumpy deer and big black belt???

      Hi friend! I think u know that was me. And no. Elf is worth WAY WAY WAY more than all of that stuff. I don’t think I’m going to trade elf for that. Sorry.
      Peaceout1- Hi! U haven’t been on forums for a couple of months. What do you want for your sail top? I have…
      Cat hat (I AM PICKY. I DON’T WANT TO TRADE IT. I know I have caps lock on. LOL!)
      Elf hat (Kinda picky.)
      Brilliant ball gown
      And some more. I have 2 elf hats. Adama my friend is on that has the scuba belt. KK?

      Ya lol I have close to no idea on values thx :)

    3. #637686


      Sag- awesome! If you can get me scuba belt, I will give you plumpy and I will add the cinnomon bun bed since i just got another!

      Peace- sounds good to me! Whats your username? Mine is adama123 and sure I can meet in normal. :)

    4. #637681

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-26 at 10:40 AM

      I urgently need help is elf hat worth plumpy deer and big black belt???

      Hi friend! I think u know that was me. And no. Elf is worth WAY WAY WAY more than all of that stuff. I don’t think I’m going to trade elf for that. Sorry.

      Peaceout1- Hi! U haven’t been on forums for a couple of months. What do you want for your sail top? I have…

      Cat hat (I AM PICKY. I DON’T WANT TO TRADE IT. I know I have caps lock on. LOL!)
      Elf hat (Kinda picky.)
      Brilliant ball gown
      And some more. I have 2 elf hats. Adama my friend is on that has the scuba belt. KK?

    5. #637673


      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-26 at 10:32 AM

      Sag- I need swirl right now hmm . Do you have it? Also I think you should keep the elf hat because you can get which easy with it. I actually traded which for the hat lol! Anyway, I got ketchup today also! Well just the bottle lol. Here is my list if items I have:
      Emo jeans
      Pink explored shirt
      Pink explorer pants
      Seashell shoes
      Cat hat
      Cat pants
      Cat shirt
      Plumpy (x2)
      Pink bunny
      Here is what I want:
      Cat feet
      Scuba belt.

      adama, could i trade my swirl for your charm? we can do clubhouse if you want, but only in regular, i don’t have plus. plmk! (:

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