Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CAT HAT FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 87 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  ferretfriend 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #88071


    <p>Looking for cat feet and scuba belt!

    1. #638615

      Hey does anyone here have a scuba belt for trade?? I can offer any three of the following:

      Plumpy (70,000-90,000)
      Corn Husk Doll (From Fall Fest ’07, One Season Only) (80,000-100,00+)
      Year Three Print (100,000-150,000)
      Estore Pine Martin PSI (Shamrocking Swing)(10,000-15,000)
      Shock Rockin’ Dress (Not Sure of the Value, as I only have a part of the PSI)

      PLMK I am DESPERATE for scuba!!

    2. #638586


      hey adama, just wanted to say thx for the trade and hope to trade with you again some time soon (:

    3. #638174


      Also sag, if you do get the coyote psi, I will give you plumpy for it :)

    4. #638167


      Sag- guess what!! I traded my charm for swirl! Then I traded swirl and two signatures for scuba belt! Also, my friend is quitting so I got elf hat from her for a signature and also I found out that alpaca copies the priceless so I do not think I will trade her. I heard she gets on at midnight and I go to bed at like midnight so lol priceless will drop a TON because everyone will have them.

    5. #638144

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-26 at 01:57 PM

      Sag- well scuba is not worth elf, it’s about half if wacky.
      Peace- great! I usually get on around 9:00 too so I hope to see you then!
      Dq- sorry my cat pieces are not for trade sorry. And also I am getting swirl from peace soon. Do you still have swim?

      Ok, good luck!


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