Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CAT HAT FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 87 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  ferretfriend 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #88071


    <p>Looking for cat feet and scuba belt!

    1. #636995

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 10:29 PM

      Hmm I like pink ears, can you post a list or estore too?

      LOL, I only have one E-Store PSI right now. It’s the CandyKinz Jawbreaker Sorter. LMK if you like that!

      Oh, and I don’t want to steal a trade if anyone offered before me. So if someone was first in line, please let them go first. :)

    2. #636994

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 10:29 PM

      Hmm I like pink ears, can you post a list or estore too?

      Adama I’m ready to trade. KK?

    3. #636993


      Hmm I like pink ears, can you post a list or estore too?

    4. #636986

      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-07-24 at 04:51 PM

      Hey, Adama! Would you take Plumpy or Orange Army + something small for Cat Hat? PLMK, thanks! :)

      For the small add I could do a Signature, an E-Store PSI, Shuts, Pink Ears, or White Wings. :D

    5. #636871

      Hey, Adama! Would you take Plumpy or Orange Army + something small for Cat Hat? PLMK, thanks! :)

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