Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CATS MEOW GARDEN AND ROCKERZ PUPPY PSI HERE!! by 4pb

This topic contains 57 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  4444polarbears 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #90523

    <p>Title says it all! -4pb-

    1. #668519

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-22 at 11:07 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 10:38 PM
      polor, i’d trade my howling ridge and sly slide for your
      cats meow garden. PLMKSNOL

      Are u able to do the piano and cream soda sprinkler for it? Lmks!

      sorry i’m gonna have to say no. i’m saving that for a diamond piano.
      but lemme know if you want anything else.

    2. #668417

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 10:38 PM

      polor, i’d trade my howling ridge and sly slide for your
      cats meow garden. PLMKSNOL

      Are u able to do the piano and cream soda sprinkler for it? Lmks!


    3. #668410

      polor, i’d trade my howling ridge and sly slide for your
      cats meow garden. PLMKSNOL

    4. #668403

      polorbear, your cats meow garden. okay i was thinking about it,
      and i would do the sly slide and howling ridge for your meow garden. i might do the
      sprinkler too….. partly ’cause i hate it so much that i don’t care how bad the values are.
      anyway, PLMKSNOL what u think! i think i’m going to my grandparents house but i’m not sure yet.

    5. #668360

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 05:32 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-22 at 02:41 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 02:24 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-22 at 02:05 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 12:27 PM
      hi polorbear’s! i am really intrested and heres some things i have!
      E-STORE PSI: sleepover sofa, spring melody harp, polka dot piano, carefree cushion, truck of terror
      SIG. PSI: sly slide bamboo chute slide, sunny savannah oasis, howling ridge,
      frozen fountain, honey waterfall, icy artic organ
      REG. PSI: bagpipe trampoline, (e-store?) birdbath spa, frozen treat fridge, suddenly spring trampoline,
      shock rock flare stage, homeade helicopter, cream soda sprinkler, beautiful blush treadmill, and more!
      PLMKSNOL what you would want for it!
      P.S. ii’m also looking for diamond piano! if you have or know anyone who has it,

      i like both of your slides, i like polka dot piano, and kinda the cream soda sprinkler.

      hi polorbear! i would be fine trading my sly slide and cream soda
      thing and something else if you’d like. PLMKSNOL

      Oh I forgot, I also like howling ridge.

      i migth do the ridge and slide…… but i don’t know.
      it would be unfair, ’cause both of mine are 80,000-100,000+ so maybe not……
      PLMKSNOL what u wanna do!

      Well which of my items exactly r u talking bout lol?


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