Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CATS MEOW GARDEN AND ROCKERZ PUPPY PSI HERE!! by 4pb

This topic contains 57 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  4444polarbears 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #90523

    <p>Title says it all! -4pb-

    1. #668566

      plor, hey i asked my friends about this trade and they said i should add.
      and i know you probably won\’t budge on it so i\’m just going to back away.
      good luck!

      P.S. if your looking to trade the meow garden don\’t have the prices
      way up. most people aren\’t really willing to trade tons for it. even though its pretty rare.
      13 wasn\’t fair, and if you were paitent enough to find another one you probably would\’ve gotten a better
      deal for it. just sayin\’! but then again this is in my perspective so you probably don\’t need
      me telling you ….. sorry \’bout that.

    2. #668561

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-23 at 01:43 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-23 at 01:00 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-22 at 11:07 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 10:38 PM
      polor, i’d trade my howling ridge and sly slide for your
      cats meow garden. PLMKSNOL

      Are u able to do the piano and cream soda sprinkler for it? Lmks!

      sorry i’m gonna have to say no. i’m saving that for a diamond piano.
      but lemme know if you want anything else.

      Hmm… what clothes do ya have? I may consider the offer bout the ridge and slide though.

      no defintly not. sorry but there is a extremely weird reason
      why i don’t trade or list up my clothes. belive me i want to trade them but
      i can’t. i would tell you why but its kinda weird awkward. hope you understand :/

      P.S. i no longer have sleepover sofa. i traded it for a water dog falls. if your intrested :)
      BTW do u hav diamond piano??

    3. #668553

      cheynne wrote on 2012-09-23 at 02:01 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-22 at 11:07 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 10:38 PM
      polor, i’d trade my howling ridge and sly slide for your
      cats meow garden. PLMKSNOL

      Are u able to do the piano and cream soda sprinkler for it? Lmks!

      4444polarbears – I have the cream soda sprinkler, list what else you would like other than the Diamond Piano, & perhaps we can do a trade for the Cat’s Meow Garden.

      Number one- wrong piano, lol! I was talking bout the polka dot piano.
      Number two- first, let’s see if I can work something out with fudgey. If not, then I will see what u have to offer.


    4. #668542


      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-22 at 11:07 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 10:38 PM
      polor, i’d trade my howling ridge and sly slide for your
      cats meow garden. PLMKSNOL

      Are u able to do the piano and cream soda sprinkler for it? Lmks!

      4444polarbears – I have the cream soda sprinkler, list what else you would like other than the Diamond Piano, & perhaps we can do a trade for the Cat’s Meow Garden.

    5. #668535

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-23 at 01:00 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-22 at 11:07 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-22 at 10:38 PM
      polor, i’d trade my howling ridge and sly slide for your
      cats meow garden. PLMKSNOL

      Are u able to do the piano and cream soda sprinkler for it? Lmks!

      sorry i’m gonna have to say no. i’m saving that for a diamond piano.
      but lemme know if you want anything else.

      Hmm… what clothes do ya have? I may consider the offer bout the ridge and slide though.


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