Cheeky pets!

Home Forums Pets – Archives Cheeky pets!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  loolik6 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #833461


    Do you have any cheeky pet? If so say 1) Name 2) When you got it 3) Where you got it 4) What cheeky is it 5) How much was it 6) Does it have a code 7) If it does have a code, are you planning on adopting it? ( If it used to have a code, don’t answer this question ) 8) If you were to get another cheeky, what would you get ( If you have multiple cheekys, list all and do this at the last cheeky pet you list ) These are my 3 cheekys. ————————————————————————————————— 1) Dreamsicle 2) May 2006 ( Forgot the day v_v ) 3) Ebay 4) Cheeky cat 5) $15 6) Yes ( Well it used to….. ) ————————————————————————————————- 1) Ceres 2) October 30 2012 3) Ebay 4) Cheeky dog 5) $50 6) No ————————————————————————————————- 1) Venus 2) December 2 2013 3) Ebay 4) Cheeky cat 5) $85 6) Yes 7) Yes 8) I would want to get a cheeky monkey and b&w cheeky dog.

    1. #840240


      I have two. 1) SnoCone and Bananas 2) No clue! 3) SnoCone on Amazon and Bananas at Hallmark 4) SnoCone is the Bubblegum Cheeky Cat and Bananas is the Cheeky Monkey. 5) SnoCone was like $10 at the time. 6) Used it 7) . 8) I would adopt the original Cheeky Dog. ~The Disciple aka Stealthstorm aka MWR

    2. #839286


      I want a cheeky!

    3. #837971


      1. 1 cheeky 2. Sorbet 3. December 2011 don’t know what day 4. My parents got it ask them XD 5. Pink Punch Cheeky Dog 6. Uhhhh no clue 7. Yes 8. Adopted it 9. I really want the purple sugarplum cheeky monkey

    4. #836627


      I only have one cheeky lol. 1) Shimmer 2) Don’t remember the exact date but it was in December 2012 3) Green Earth 4) Sterling Cheeky Cat 5) Don’t know 6) Yes 7) Yes I am, I actually already have :) 8) I would love to have any other Webkinz, and if i were to get another Cheeky I’d get the Cheeky Monkey

    5. #835062


      and what about the cheeky bunny???? (I have no cheeky pets)

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