*Click here for 31,000 kinzcash*

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives *Click here for 31,000 kinzcash*

This topic contains 13 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Iluvsticker 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #800243


    Hi guys. I have some ideas to get 31,000 kinzcash ( since I once had it ) and I was wondering if any of you had ideas. My ideas are to do wishing well 2, jumbleberry fields, SPREE ( try to land on cash spaces), DON’T do the Wheel of WOW, Do ALL of your challenges, adopt about 5 new pets a month, do the arcade for at least half an hour, go to the employment office and do a job ( I recommend kinzville mover ), go to the tournament arena, Do ALL of your daily activities, and many more. Those are just some ideas. Hope it works and hope it helps!

    1. #802690


      Well I got my kinzcash from not doing it. plus when I di I got something useless. Even though you can sell it ( which I did ) it doesn’t give you much money. Plus my sis tried it and she got gak

    2. #802010


      Why not do the wheel of wow? it still gives you money. and it may not be much but it adds up! and i once won five hundred kc for spinning. so why not take a spin?

      • #803005


        yeah why not the wheel of wow? Even if you don’t get any kc you could sell what you get the get kc. Also do you know how much real cash you’d be spending to get 5 pets a month? If you get that many you are way too spoiled. I usually get about one a year. ~crazy011~

        • #804005


          P.S. I do know how much real cash it would be.. like 1,000,000 dollars or something like that

    3. #801098


      My sis is crayolalover. please check out her forum in suggestions. it is called lets save kinzcash for clothing recipes. please comment on it. she needs more comments.

    4. #801096


      Sorry didn’t help me, I already have 60,000 cash

    5. #800957

      Ummm OK! :)

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