Clothing Recipes

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Clothing Recipes

This topic contains 16 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Carriecatlover 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #737931

    Hey people! I’m here to tell you recipes, and you tell me some recipes, if I don’t know them. So I do need to know some like alpine hat, Toy solider jacket, and others. But I know some! (NOT NEON TUTU THOUGH)

    1. #763114

      I am moving so i wont be on the computer much, and i am giving this forum to vick100. Chow!!!! ~Carriecatlover~

    2. #740231


      lots of people say the flurescant flip flops are in it but I tried everything with the black vest and flip flops the flip flops AREN’T in it!

      • #753910

        ugh! i spend my money for nothing?! oh well lets keep trying! so far i have a TON of patchwork.

    3. #740230


      ok perfect!

    4. #739842


      I have been looking for forever for neon tutu, and i know and you probably know too that it includes the grey jacket thingy.

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