Clothing Trading 2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Clothing Trading 2

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  LambTyler 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #757708

    Hi! the last Clothes Trading got lost in the midst of time, so i started this one! ill post my list as soon as this gets put up!

    1. #761020

      does anyone have animal costumes? like, elephont, lion, or cat? i doubt i have anythying worth cat, i already of hippo. i also REALLY need plumpy glasses.

    2. #760498

      what do you need for the charmed dress? sorry no hippo but just let me know if you need anything else so I know what to offer

    3. #760482

      i’m looking for dresses. ask me what you want (preferably a list) and i’ll find what i have. I also Have PSI I would trade 1 PSI for 3 rare (hard to find, exclusive, deluxe, etc.) I do have some clothing that I will have a hard time parting with for those i will probley take 2 semi rare dresses

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