collecting rare foods and psfs :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives collecting rare foods and psfs :)

This topic contains 26 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Girlsrule122345 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #759146

    title says it all plmk thx from gracie10294

    1. #764327


      Hey Girlsrule, I totally forgot about sending you those other psf! Do you remember which ones I sent you already? I will send the others soon. bunnyheaven:)

      • #765384

        yes you sent me the boren kole slaw, nifty noddle yarn ball and the lobster kibble bisque :)

    2. #764025

      i have the twistifish fondue (rare) Pickapora (rare) poppaballoo (rare) sweet creola (rare) webkinz roll cake (rare) Demitasse Lassi (rare) and PFSs alfalfa Fajitas, Berry Berry smoothie, Braised Bannock bites, Bright ‘n’ early breakfast, Bright blue seed drop stew, Buggy Jelly, Carob Chip cookies, Carrot Cake supreme, Cretaceous Crustacean Soup, Crispy bone Scones, Daphnia Dafina, Doggie Bone Burger, eel Enchilada, Frosted Kibbly chunks, Frozen Mice lollies(grey owl), Goofy Grapefruit Gelato(dodo), Jellybean Jumble(hop bunny), Jumbled Googles Caboodles(pink Googles), Kibble Chip Ice cream(Black and white cheeky dog), Licorice Canapés(black poodle), Mangrove Leaf Manicotti(Manatee), Pink Poodle Parfait(pink poodle), rosy Alfalfa Alfredo(pink pony), Spiced Salmon Strudel(Alley Cat), Spicy Seaweed Salsa(Surfing turtle), Spicy Sedge Soup(reindeer), Stubbly Grass Nibbles(Hippo), Tuna Caramel Corn(Gold and White Cat) , Udderly Delicious Sundae(Holstein Cow), Watermelon Punch(fancy flamingo), and Wrinkled Pug cake (pug)

      • #764998

        Hi hannah. Can I get a few of your PSF’s I can send you something for them if you would like. I would love to have Carob Chip Cookies, Daphnia Danfina, Doggie Bone Burger, Goofy Grapefruit Gelato, Licorice Canapes, Mangrove Leaf Manicotti, Spicy Seaweed Salsa, Tuna Caramel Corn, Udderly Delicious Sundae, and Watermelon Punch. Like I said, I can send you something that is about the same amount as the PSF’s. LMK ~mom~

    3. #763081


      Hi Gracie, sent you three recipe foods; they are good to feed to your pets. I don’t mind sending psf, but do you realize if you feed psf to different pets, they will get sick? Do you just collect these? Mind if I ask why? Do they trade? Thanks. (noonesfriend)

      • #763725

        Oh no I do not feed them to my pet they are just fun to collect idk why I collect them lol but, I never feed them to my pet they do make your pet sick I would never ever feed them to my pet. -Gracie

        • #764288


          Okay, Gracie; just wanted to make sure you knew about the “sick” thing!! I found out the hard way, when new to WW. Trips to Dr. Quack! Sad, sick pet, and sad owner. Do you prefer recipe, or psf? BTW, may I friend you, from a new account, I started yesterday? ( It is Charlestonian) This is noonesfriend.

          • #764740

            oh sure please friend girlsrule122345 ;) p.s. Gracie10294 Is my back up account ;) -Girls rule

    4. #762387


      Hey girlsrule122345! I sent you some psf. I wasn’t sure if those were good or not…thanks for the confirmation letter. That was really nice. I will send you some more over the next few days. Nothing needed in return but if you don’t need any of the ones that I send, please send them back. Thanks, enjoy! bunnyheaven:) P.S. I have to ask, do you collect them and like put them somewhere?

      • #762872

        hi! yes. I put them in a fridge lol…… my first comment didn’t go through hope this one does! see you in ww! ;)

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