Come Trade With Cruisingal

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Come Trade With Cruisingal

This topic contains 70 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  ladygaudiel 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #761400


    Hi everyone! I am looking for new road trip van and year won bear (for a friend). Here is my Trade List: Zodiac water, Zodiac earth, Webkinz beauty dress & tiara, green santa hat, Diving outfit, spins, slips, swan dress, shuts, sunflower bonnet, paint can cap, Dr. quack coat, Ms. birdy blazer, Elephant shirt, shorts, & feet. Victorian dress and hat. Zum cloud car, Rainbow slide, Dignified dreams bed and window, Jam maker’s stove, fridge, and sink. Weather console machine, Lurking lagoon, birdbath spa, detective desk, mellow marsh, fancy fox counter, desert drive-in, sapphire tub, fun to run yarn ball, Rockin recording booth, daring den slide, seaside peliscope, bamboo chute swing, playful pond, wading pool, sleeping dragon bed, caring & sharing Tv, jumbleberry beanbag, Topsy Turvy window, Rare Theater screen, Green lava, Ghost pirate plush, Doug the Dog, Marshmallow seeds, super stunt unicycle, webkinz cares painting, webkinz cares clock.

    1. #761521


      Hi, I’m interested in your Mellow Marsh. Would you take a Mint Chocolate Cow PSI for it? I like your Zum Rainbow Slide also. What would you want for that? (I can do a Toco Toucan retired PSI for it, not sure what else I have…) Anyhow, PLMK! :D

      • #762394


        Hey Cutie, what Psi comes with the mint chocolate cow? Please lmk. Thanks, Cruise

    2. #761617


      hey cruisingal, I would like to trade for the detective desk. what would you trade it for? rares, psi? PLMK forest85

      • #762392


        Hi forest, do you have a list of PSI I can take a look at? Thanks, Cruisingal

    3. #761619

      if it isn’t taken already, do you think i can get any elephant? does anyone offer Plumpy for White adventure wings, torn, melody, spins, or uh……. anything i have?

      • #762390


        Sure, I can trade the elephant. Do you have a list I can take a look at? Thanks

    4. #761465

      Crusingal, Do you mean this years van? If so I have one that I will trade. I’m interested in the diving outfit.

      • #761516


        yes, that is the van I need! What is your username? Would you like to trade today? Thanks, cruisingal

        • #761687

          My Un is spikeythornedroses. Is your UN the same as here?

          • #761746


            Yes, I’m the same as here.

            • #761775

              Hey I’m so sorry about this, the one I have is actually the 2012. I thought it said 2013 when I got it. I’m so sorry about the mistake and I hope you find someone who really has one.

    5. #761471


      Hi @cruisingal: i’m really intersted in the Swan dress, victorian dress and hat. I have rares, psi, super exclusive gift box, KC coins. i have a full listing on my forum called new trade list. PLMK! ~gaudi

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