~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

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This topic contains 192 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #761992

    Hello and welcome to designergirl101′s School of lovely Design. I have 2 popular design forums and noticed how many want help designing rooms. So I have decided that yes I will still do your rooms but I can also teach you how to design a great room. We will cover issues such as how to decide on a great color scheme and how many colors are too many? We will discover how to mix patterns,work on a budget and the importance of a well balanced room, plus much, much more.!

    1. #859517


      They said within maybe two weeks (if I can remember right) but it’s been more, I think… I personally wouldn’t mind working on stuff here until you can move on to the next topic. I bet you want to keep things organized, but maybe we could just go through the basics here? Oh, and what did you think of my house? I’d like some critique on the kitchen, the yard I showed you, and any suggestions for the lion’s room. (That was the one with the lion sleeping in the castle bed.) If you need me to invite you to it again, I can. Thanks! :)

      • #860675

        Okay, I just have no idea when forums will be fixed. I don’t want to start till then. Then kitchen was great! And yes, I would like to see it again……………… I think it was good though! :)

    2. #859241

      Hey Guys, I really want to start again. I was wondering if anyone new when we were allowed to post new topics. Are we allowed soon? If so when???????????????????????????????????????????????? I read something that said they were updating forums and we could not post new topics but now I want to so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please if anyone know, Let me know!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. #858694


      I’d like only one or two a week as well. I have kinzchat plus now, so I can always have some at the park or clubhouse. I can come on almost every day, usually around 3-6 Kinztime, sometimes later. I really don’t mind having classes here, though. I’m looking forward to learning the basics, and then going forward on that. Also, just curious, would you like more feedback on what we want/what we already know? I’ve tried to do stuff like this before, and it never worked because I didn’t really know who wanted what. I hope we can help you get classes up and running soon. :) I’m ready to start whenever you are.

    4. #857616

      Designergirl question does me calling you design bug you. I just started to wonder

    5. #854761


      Sounds fine. :) How exactly would we plan? Would you like to know what WE’d like to know? I’m interested in color, theme, what works and what doesn’t and any other tips you have. :)

      • #855584

        Okay, that’s good to know! I will try my best to make sure that plays a major part in the class! Also, how many projects would you like per week? I may not be able to do everything everybody recommends. However, I will certainly try my best! :)

        • #856504

          One or two projects. Also I need your opinion on a room once it is done. What it is is a room for my bull terrier (eddie) and I am making it a apartment like from the show Frasier

        • #857386


          oh i forgot! i would like private and i will be taking the courses named: How do I create a colour scheme? Tips and tricks on the impact of colour! Colour Myths! How many colours are to many? How different Patterns connect with different styles! How to make a room filled with pattern without it looking busy! Pattern…… how do I use it….. Is balance really important? How do I create balance? the art of well balanced room again this course is no exception you can pick one or all. How do I design room a room on a budget? Item Substitutes are they practical and how do I make them? How to make a cost effective room without it looking cost effective.

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