Dino slide, Melody Hat, Burger Costume, and Emo Jeans here!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Dino slide, Melody Hat, Burger Costume, and Emo Jeans here!

This topic contains 81 replies, has 30 voices, and was last updated by  mimi01 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #596074

    i would like your emo jeans, i offer poncho or lion hat, if you don’t like those then tell me and i will post a list of what i have

    1. #598145

      SnowFawn wrote on 2012-05-06 at 10:05 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-05-04 at 06:13 PM
      I’m looking for priceless clothing or media. :)

      Hi Musiclover1234! I have WZ Jeans, mostly needing Melody Hat. I see its on hold for FluffySilly, so could you please tell me if it ever gets on hold?
      .<3 SnowFawn <3

      I actually traded the hat, I guess I forgot to post it. I’ll keep my eye out for another one though. :)

    2. #598142

      Musiclover- still have the bed, no worries :)
      I think kp is easier, we’re never on at the same time, but I suggest you go first because I don’t want to get tricked. However, when someone says that, it sometimes sounds like THEY are trying to trick you lol. But you can ask people like FudgeyVanilla, Pransser, Ferretfriend…..

    3. #598138


      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-05-04 at 06:13 PM

      I’m looking for priceless clothing or media. :)

      Hi Musiclover1234! I have WZ Jeans, mostly needing Melody Hat. I see its on hold for FluffySilly, so could you please tell me if it ever gets on hold?

      .<3 SnowFawn <3

    4. #597912

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-05-05 at 12:49 PM

      MusicLover- Okay, you are flowerraelm?? LMK when you want to trade

      Sorry it took me so long to reply, lmk when it works for you and if you even have the peg bed still. o:

    5. #596476

      MusicLover- Okay, you are flowerraelm?? LMK when you want to trade

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