Does anyone like the idea of a snowflake rat/mouse?

Home Forums Pets – Archives Does anyone like the idea of a snowflake rat/mouse?

This topic contains 25 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #800242


    Hi! I have an idea for a webkinz snowflake rat/mouse. Does anyone like the idea? No mean comments please! If you want to support it scroll down. Hope you like the idea!

    1. #802871

      I don’t really like mice or rats, BUT, I think it would be cool if they made a snowflake rat/mouse, reason being is that it would be a nice change, I like it when ganz comes out with pets that don’t come out often. So yeah, I think it is a pretty COOL idea! (get it?) ~wildpuppiessk8

    2. #802702


      Why do people not like it?

    3. #802693


      Hey Sticker!!!! I LOVE ALL ANIMALS! But I have to say I’d rather have it be a mouse than a rat…I hope this isn’t considered a mean comment! I love mice! They are adorable, so I’d vote for a grey and white mouse, since I already have the white one. :D ~Stealthstorm

    4. #801050


      There’s no way to say this nicely: I hate rats!!!! Sorry :(

      • #802019


        It is okay. A lot of people hate rats ( even though I love them ). I am glad you are expressing your opinion but is sais no mean comments. P.S. if you like mice ( which you probably don’t either ) then it can also be a mouse

      • #802023


        It is okay

    5. #801038

      sure i guess so i mean i love all animals except insects and spiders so sure ~Texas Girl

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